I am gonna title this One Laundry and Inquisition.

Imagine if you will that there are still some people in america who dont drive and dont have a washer and dryer and dont have one convenient ly located in a reasonable walking distance. imagine being so broke you couldnt afford it anyways. . then if you will imagine actually washing clothes in the bathtub. and...
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they all sound like fucking wanks!!! mad

kiss kiss
*laughs hysterically*

There's some memo that churches are passing around about the warning signs that your teenager is goth and therefore, naturally, satanic. Criteria includes sleeping too much or too little, enjoying quiet (this is so they can meditate on their evil deeds), and eating goth related foods like Count Chocola cereal. We took this list around the library and went to the tamest people we could think of and even they failed the test.

Well, apparantly my boss got this test from a preacher he knows which then lead him to conclude that I was goth. This revelation immediately led to shock because he never "pictured her as a devil worhipper." Good thing is, my boss is always pushing diversity in the work place, so he stayed with it saying, "I mean it's okay if she is, it's her own business, but I just never imagined...." (It was later explained that I am not a devilworhipper and in all honestly, am too lazy to be goth). Of course, he would probably take it better if he thought I was a satanist than if he knew that I'm really agnostic. *giggle*

btw--I'm not on here very often because of work, school, and my internship. If you hear anything about any possible...ummm...vacations in the future, you can email me. I check my email daily.
i'm such a cute little booger huh? tongue

just so baby you know ... you know i can be so in love......wid you.... if i could only hear you love me too...... if i could only hear you say i do ......oooooo.oooo.oooo ....but anyways..... what whould ya say?

love skull love kiss skull
Er... Right.
I was just singing a song from when i was little. that i liked tongue
You ever feel happy, so happy you could bust open? then a bunch of stuff messes up but your still happy cause you realise it dont really matter cause soon you be home and happy again and no matter what happens out there in the world it dont matter cause your going home? you ever go to some place cause you really really wanted to...
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*jumps up and down like a 12 year old girl*

I hope everything works out wonderfully!
ok i admit the last post was odd but honestly i am fustraited with everyone suddenly leaving SG and all the name calling and Cat fighting. miao!! mad miao!! it is confusion to the enth power! and when your in pain and stressed out it aint good at all. frown
I got names I could call you....but they'd probably make ShinobiRyu jealous, so I better not. *giggle*

I'm not too sure on the direction SG and the SG community are going. Doesn't seem quite so layback and fun anymore. But hey, what do I know?
See what happens when I go MIA for just a bit?
I mean, Not that being a Redhead doesn't have its advantages (wouldn't know a THING about that...) But The BLUE!

If someone were to ask me what I think of this place right now? I would just tell them not to worry cause all good things come to an end...(Sendin em out 2x2 now...I wonder if 'Moo' would work on them?)

Anyhow...Stay Scandi, and I really do like the red too... kiss

skull SS
Some things happening here what it is aint exactly clear
Where have all the flowers gone?
it all becomes a blur in my mind and then fades to black
and then the numbness sets in and suddenly i realise your not there anylonger. frown
my hands cannot touch you frown
your laughter falls silent to my ears frown
your heart beats no longer just stillness frown
a void...
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I wish there was a hug smilie...
Happy Birthday to My Beloved ShinobiRyu ! Happy birthday to the Man who makes me smile!
Happy Birthday to the one who holds me in my dreams.
Happy birthday to my lover and my best friend.
but most of all Happy Birthday Hon.

Now go over to his journal and tell him happy Birthday yourself cause he is a really cool guy. biggrin ShinobiRyu
will do smile
update on me time.....

Put in for less hours, I think i will get them. hurrah! 4 8 hour shifts! same days off just a later start time biggrin good thing too. i did the math found out between working sleeping and the bus ride home i only have 2 hours to do things like wake up shower and do my meds and eat a day....
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Good thing! You have been pushing yourself way to hard with those crazy shifts you have been running!
hope it works out well kiss kiss
Ok, It is decided , as much as i hate to amit it i am a sorry work aholic and this is gonna be hard but for the sake of my life i have to do this.
i have to stop the ten hour days and work part time , i am killing myself and honestly i been sick more days than i have worked...
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I hope you get better soon my SG momma, If your work schedule is making you ill stop, and stop now.

I hope to catch you on Yahoo soon momma kiss kiss
yeah just start taking it a bit easier if you can,
i'm sure things will work out fine in the long run kiss
OK here's the latest in the continueing saga of Scandi . i just got out of the hospital yesterday. Dont panic it was just precautionary i had some trouble breathing so i checked in. nothing serious heart and guts are fine. it was most likely stress related. eeek i gotta slow down and not do so much is all. but how on earth will i ever...
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kiss kiss kiss
ok i am shocked and appalled!
It is one thing to live in a disaster area, another thing to loot stores But to shoot at an evacuation helicopter? mad you F'ing Idiots!!!!! and then you call me and cuss me out because you get cut off of your cell phones after 1 min 30 seconds. Hey look i know your ma is in orleans i know...
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fucking arseholes!!!!
Doing better still had to go home from work, nausea and tension headaches. crapola again! what can you do tho. ... My beloved Shin sent me a bunch of Bauhaus oh made me feel a bit better. Definately took me back to a different time in my life before all the pain began. Thank You my Love. kiss love
Awww I hope your feeling better my SG momma kiss biggrin
Wow someones special! double shot of Sophie? hmmm eeek comon there are many SG girls out there that have sets pending no offence or diz to anyone. but ok. btw whats is up with all this discontent lately?
yes folks there is a good reason why Scandi hasn't posted any pics. honestly it is due to a few mishaps with my face. no big deal but...
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I hope your doing ok my SG momma frown, that does'nt sound good at all.

kiss kiss
hope you feel better soon kiss