Snow,snow & more snow!! Being single in the winter sucks & not in a good way! Trying to stay positive but it's starting to tax my nerves. It's starting to feel like the long cold winter will never end! One can only watch so much tv, thank GOD for my guitars. I might give B.B. a run for the money when this ones over. I...
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Hahaha!! Thanks biggrin
Thank you thank you! I'll never go back to regular massage - acupressure for me from now on!
Well its Groundhog day and ironically I'm stuck in it. And live in the city the movie was filmed in, pure madnesssurreal
This a lot of fun! I might need to get a SG patch. Cause I'm getting addicted smile Plus It's taking time away from my S.E.P.

Let's see, "sleep energizing program?"

Hmm, "simplified employee pension?"

Argh! I don't know!!!!
secret evil plan
Today I went on the heaven & heretics site and put down some views. Theirs a lot of smart people on that site. wow ! Having a background in construction I had to look up some words in the dictionary. This is pretty cool. I'm making some new friends. If anybody has input 4 me, feel free to give it. I'm kinda still learning this...
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Happy birthday!!!
Only 2 years away from 40.... eeek
New to computers,so not to sure what a blog is? I do know that this shit is pretty cool. It took 4ever to get a picture on my profile. Is their a special midget camera ya have 2 use??? so I'm probally gonna make some Rookie mistakes!!! It's what I do learn as I go. I figure between here & facespace I'll get it down...
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YAY!!!!.....Check out my set Wroaaar in member review!
Please vote for me!
