A bit of a late update, but I've been taking a few days off to rest.

My First Nation, the Huu-ay-aht, recently held a ratification vote on our Constitution. If we also ratify our part of the Maa-nulth Treaty, then the Constitution will replace the federal Indian Act as our highest law. For the first time in more than a century, our ultimate...
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I'm so proud of you
Man, it's been quite a while since I last updated.

I've been busy.

Very busy, with work and life and other assorted things.

It's been fun, mostly.

My life is generally contented.

Other than that, I'm stressing out because my native tribe's about to vote on our Constitution, a document I helped develop over three years.

If it doesn't pass, I don't know what I'm...
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The weather's starting to change for the better. I just started noticing that.

On Tuesday, starr_light, stantheclone and I went to see the Royal Winnipeg Ballet's presentation of Dracula. As my first introduction to live theater, it was awesome. We got dressed up and everything, though it's too bad a certain photographer didn't happen to get any pictures... whatever biggrin

I was in Vancouver on Monday,...
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there are getting to be a few in the area...we need to organize a drink night, get everyone out somewhere.
sweet, we need to make a plan set a date, a place and lets see who comes smile
So St. Patrick's Day was the night that I drank more than I have ever in my entire life in one evening. Sure, it might not be a big thing for most people, but in regards to this whole drinking thing, I'm a neophyte. I was definitely drunk, and I found that it wasn't as bad as I had previously thought it would be. It...
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glad I could be a part of an awsome weekend. Does the refund mean you're taking me out for dinner? wink It would give you an excuse to wear your awsome new clothes...maybe pick up a waitress or two tongue

I'll see you when I get back! (and I will come back)

lol, pick up the waitress while flirting with your date? thats hardcore....

as for the weekend, the company had lots to do with everything i think, and it was fantastic.

i'll be running away with my delectible distraction to Van, at some point, and i'd love to sit down with you after (or before for that matter) and chat about video, women, hotel's and thoughts on travel. Really, i think i should just say "Life" is the topic, and i'm looking forward to the conversation.

anyways, ttyl.
Friday: Worked in Nanaimo. Bought tickets to see Dracula. Hung out with Starr_light. Window shopped. Watched hockey. Tried to watch 300 - failed.

Saturday: Worked in Port Alberni. Hung out some more. Watched 300 - succeeded. It's well worth watching.

Sunday: Got up early, and headed into Victoria for work, brought Starr_light 'cause she wanted to visit some friends. Did...
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i'm glad your back to white collar. biggrin

it makes me feel that the world is more in tune somehow.
My weekend was interesting. On Friday, a friend and I went out for dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant for some pho. We later met up with Stantheclone and a new friend of his for drinks at Acme, a neat little place in Nanaimo. It was good to unwind and hang out with some friends after the preceding week. I went out for coffee with...
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thank god for the normality of work, yes? i know i'm looking forward to it, and my work isn't even that normal....
yes....that was afun weekend wink !!!!
Not sure if it's good or bad, but it's news. My string of travel to Vancouver, Port Alberni and Anacla are all postponed for at least a week. It's good in that I don't have to stress about the travel, but it's bad in that I have to fill that time on my own. I think I'll move some of my work-plan up a bit,...
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Dresden Files? what is this? i have not heard of it....

hopefully the massaging goes well, and i'll most likely hunt you down until i get a chance to watch / borrow a certain movie from you, and thusly take the opportunity to interrogate further tongue

PS- i unofficially love Little Britain. hilarious.
And so the long string of travel begins. I'll be headed to Victoria tonight after dinner with friends at an Indian restaurant. On Monday, I'm off to Vancouver, then Port Alberni the next day, and finally Anacla, the main village of my native band on Wednesday. I suspect I'll be a bit haggard by the end of it.

Put a whack of music on my...
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holy crap you're travelling alot! sleep in this weekend! for gods sake man!

best advice? make sure you have something to do. That ferry takes longer than you think. Every single time, it takes longer than you think. and don't eat the food.

PS- so should we start "friending" island people? or should we just make an SG group - "Islanders" so everyone on an island can join?
when in doubt...do both smile
So there I was about to give my two weeks' notice at The Winery, and right before, my boss approaches apprehensively and starts talking about how sales are down and that they're looking to reduce their labour costs. He mentions something about laying me off if I don't want to move to part-time, and I smile in response. "Well, you know, this works out strangely...
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Heading to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria later today to take a gander at the stuff there. Ever since I heard that they have works by Rembrandt, I figured it'd be worth the drive to check out.

The Mongolian bronzework looks like it might be cool, too.

As always, I'll be checking out any IMAX movies that the museum might have too. It's a...
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