From penny


Thank you for the kindness on my set "Whistle Blower" 💝 I really appreciate it! I look forward to collaborating with you this summer! 


From ropers71


I posted a video slide show of Mandeelou's Set' Wildest Dreams ~ to try an get it some love ~ let me know what you think ~ if you have a chance to comment ~ 

nice thank you :)

Hey man, you really did some great work with that lovely trio of sg lovelies. Thanks for such consistently excellent photography. 

thank you so much :)

You are one of my favorite photographers! Your work is beautiful. I wish you would come to NYC I would love to work with you someday 💗


the new multi is outstanding! those ladies are my faves and you captured some great play and fun and smiles.


Congratulations on front page for Plums set. I love the setting and it seems familiar, maybe in one of Marlenes sets.  Do you know anything about the house?

Thank you!! Both were made on a French shootfest, so everything looks familiar ;)