how to hijack somebody's journal for a day

1) Sleep with the owner of the account
2) own the credit card the account is paid for with
3) wait till she goes to work
4) write silly things that people will think she said
5) spin control when she gets home by grinning until she starts laughing

hehe. I control the vertical. I control the...
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Get that boy his own account. It'll all be good then. Oh, and spank him, riding crop optional.
t r o u b l e

so, i saw that Quinne did a new set. if you haven't seen it, it's a real must. she's such a perfect little beauty.

in other news, ... well come to think of it, not much happenned today. i went to work,came home in one peace, and finished reading EricJ's comic book, Rex Mundi. i like it a lot, but i want more! my comic...
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MMmm.. Thanks now I can sleep.. Think I'll get me some tomorrow can't start the weekend without a fresh bottle. Night night! Sweet dreams! : )
so, last night i made it to eats, but not the rock portion of sgsd's open event. so that means i now know Greyshadow and EricJ personally. very cool couple of guys, and they've both met my not-the-musician-chi. thanks for seting it up, Greyshadow, let's do that again sometime. nextime i'll see about staying for the show, or whatever.

as for EricJ, he's got some...
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Anthem is my fav! yay Objectivism! : )
knows objectivism, and drinks tequila right from the bottle w/o gagging... i think i have a new friend. ::grin::
just watched "the bourne identity"... very interesting. i havethe DVD for five days and am gonna play with the special features in the morning. i love DVD! smile

course, i after watching the movie i got LAID!! i lovelovelove sex. especially realy great sex. biggrin

hehe. in other news, i intend to attend the sgsd meet eat and rock event tomorrow evening... for info and directions, look...
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welcome to the group smile I didnt get laid after Bourne Identity , but The Minority Report always gets me frisky wink Also the Matrix , everytime biggrin
::laughing:: well, i shouldn't act like sex is a rare event for me... i'm in a long term relationship, after all. it's just that whenever circumstances force a few days of celibacy out of me, i always feel like celebrating afterward.

i really liked bourne identity, but it doessn't get me going in the same way as matrix and fight club, (after seeing those in the theater, i went out into the boys dorm and picked a fight with a guys at least half again my weight. it was great. biggrin ) bourne identity has more in common with minority report in so far as mood, and the fact that it's a mystery/conspiracy thing. those always get me talking to point where i can't stop.
blech. War does = puke ::sigh:: chi got into a whole bunch of huge arguments with some of his old friends about this. they support the war, and obviously, he doesn't The argument kept coming up that "we're doing this for the Iraqi people"

please, what bull. We've done nothing for the Iraqi people for a dozen years. why on earth would this country start caring...
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is it the musician chi... or just a regular chi?
hehe... chi isn't a musician. not yet anyway. more of a writer/poli-sci student.
i was reading CNN.com ... and the headlines today are "US may fight Iraq alone" .

this really really bothers me. i would feel better about this war if we had the world's support, in the form of the UN prefferably. but as the situation now stands, even Britain is posed to back away from an actual armed conflict.

this is such a bad idea...
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i agree to that.... something i also agree about... your pretty
hello fellow san diegan
you gotta wonder about something. many religions feature a sun god. Nowadays, with so many girls turning to vibrators for their sexual pleasure (for those I'm so horny/lonely i could scream moments), there is an interesting relationship. Solar energy comes to earth, and, eventually, gets converted to electricity, which is deposited in batteries. batteries go in vibrators, so in a very real way, the sun's...
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the end is messed up on my vibrator and the batteries come flying out....ack
hehe... this is why i have spares. oh, and chi, too. but chi doesn't vibrate.
well, my picture is up. chi took a whole bunchof pix of me in various states of dress, but this one really looks most like me.

okay, i admit i'm too shy to actually post anything with skin. bok

but there is always someday!
ha i will be there smile looking fwd to it
chi here, doing a substitute log entry in the absence of R. Dominuque.

The nice people at harris obviously decided that there weren't more worthwhile things to do polls on, and decided to do a poll about how many americans believe in things like god, the devil, hell, reincarnation, etc

they came up with these findings:
This is what your friends and neighbors believe in:...
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time to take pictures so we can select one to put on my profile. ickle cybershots are useful, if not entirely perfect

say cheese! biggrin
Yippee! chi said we could go to tuffy';s prom!
hmmmm......i too shall check out the train schedule prior to prom.......smart!