Man my grades for the semester read like an old school nintendo code. ABBA. Eh 13 credit hours 2 jobs...lips permantly glued to a bong. (although that last ones not entirely true...dad found my bong in its hidey hole, emptied it, put it a plastic bag, smashed the holly hell out of it, put it back where he found it and didn't say a thing.)...
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If cleanliness is godliness, than divenity can't mean that much.
The only reason time exists is so everything doesn't happen at once

And where ever you go...there you are
Well now what the fuck? My membership should be clearly up by now. Eh, I still stand my staunch fuck the lot of you policy.
Hahahaha....oh christ less than a month till D day, either i'll be out from under damacles sword or i'll be run through with it...Than carted off to prison to be raped and beaten. Although you know what they say, you can't rape the willing.

Oh well maybe i'm superman and I don't know it. Stranger things have happend.
Such an amazing weekend. Things are going really good for me right now, which is uncharacteristic of the past couple months. But i'm still stuck with the probability of prison looming over me. The irony of it is now with things going so damn good this is the first time I can say I don't want to go to prison. Oh well probly to late...
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Filty fucking PIGS! Cock sucking motherless swine the lot of you. Thats right bobby and I got into a slight skirmish with some cops and came out on top! Whose a bad ass? B.C. sherif and a state boy came a calling last night (illegal search and seizure mother fuckers!). ANd got caught snooping by us.
Lets go into the details in case your confused....
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"....well yeah but I didn't recieve satisfaction until after 3 days of begging!"-me
"well see there you go, Jewish foreplay"-my Mother