Been ultra busy with work so I haven't been on here as much as I would like too. I still haven't put as much work into my profile as I would like but I guess that will have to wait longer tongue Recently received a promotion at work that I was busting my ass for so my career is finally off the ground...but my lack-luster social...
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You lack-luster social life might also have something to do with living in Tacoma.
Had an amazing weekend visiting friends in the town I used to live...I miss living somewhere with an actual night-life and where the people are educated...sigh. Oh well back to the work grind and hopefully I can visit again soon!

I got some new ink done while I was up there and I am super stoked about it! Going to put up pictures when it...
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Thank you! I like the 'ham too.
I miss it soooo much! I wish I was there last weekend because there were some AMAZING shows....I had to work or else I would of been up there. Thinking about making it there this week though biggrin
Long week of work can't wait to just be lazy and watch movies/geek out games all weekend. Planning on putting up a bunch more of my pics...try to add some content to this empty new page. Everytime I get on here to think about updating it I get distracted by the main page smile. Need to make an effort to join some groups and add...
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So I am already glad I decided to join this site and it's been less then a day...I had no idea how much more to it there was! I was sold just with the gorgeous women, but this community aspect really intrigues me...we will see how it goes I suppose right? You can only get as much out of it as you put in...
glad you're enjoying it so far kiss
I'm Ryan, I have gone as Poizen for about as long as I have been gaming online wink I am a huge nerd and work in the tech industry but I have many sides to myself and maybe a couple skeletons in my closet smile.