I just got back from seeing The Grudge. It was pretty good. Nothing that all of that great. THese two jackasses kept talking throught the entire movie. I guess I should have said something but I guess noone ever does. Right now I'm watching shrek. Donkey rules.
I got some headlights for my car. Doesnt sound exciting but now I am happy because I have...
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thank you honey! wink
When people talk in theatres, I kick the back of their seat or throw stuff at them. Bastards.
My shampoo rocks, but my papaya soap tells fortunes...
Not much happened today. I've been playing lots of San Andreas Lately. It's aggravating as fuck and makes me want to break my controler and tv but I'm getting pretty far. Im thinking about taking my RF switch to work tommorow so I can play it some more. I'll pause it when someone comes into the store. I swear. wink Work sucks!

ooo aaa
that game is SO goddamn awesome
i have a slack job to shocked
I saw Saw (heh-saw saw) again tonight. I was able to get DrGonzo2000's lazy ass up before 5 p.m. and we and some pals went. I think I liked it better the second time. The hot girl that sat next to me kept screaming and jumping. It was funny. I had allready seen it so I pretty much knew when everyone was going to...
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Yesterday I saw Saw. Tommorow I'm going to see Saw again.

ooo aaa
Well I don't work for my cousin anymore. It didn't work out. They weren't teaching me anything they said they would and she just cut my pay in half without any real explanation. So now i work at a dry cleaner. It's very boring. 4 hours and we only had 3 customers. I read over 100 pages of Jenna Jameson's book. She gave a shout-out...
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I got Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas!! I'm going to blow off work tomorrow and play the game. I'll tell her I have diareha. That's always a ready made excuse. I preordered mine so I didn't have to wait in line as long as the other lameasses. Ha!

ooo aaa
dude, you're such a pimp. Enjoy tomorrow off playing.
yeah cause lameasses would wait in line to preorder diareha(sp?) ha! biggrin ARRR!!!
I went to the titty bar last night. It was lots of fun of course. Some hottie plopped down in my lap and started talking to John. Later on this other girl came over and they started making out! Right there in my lap. It was all I could do to not get a boner.

Some asshole hit my car with his hand. What an...
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dont want to ruin it for you but a lot of people i know that have seen the movie are giving some pretty bad reviews but i guess id have to see it for myself to know whether or not I liked it....tell me how it is if you go and see it(?)
Damn, I wish there was a decent titty bar in my city.
I thought the Grudge was fantastic, lots of poeple hated it, go see it and tell me how you like/hate it biggrin
To bad about not hitting the guy with your car...
Well it happened. My tire blew halfway up I-95 so I was stuck. I was going to put the spare donut on but it was flat. At least I had an excuse not to go to work today.

ooo aaa
dude thats sucks....except for the not working part thats always cool but then again the fact that you werent burned alive is equally if not more cool than not going to work...but then again at least you would never have to work again....
Thank you for the birthday wishes! kiss
I drive 64 miles roundtrip to work everyday. My CV joint is completely gone. My car pulls very hard to the right and I can hear stuff bumping (and its not my stereo) the whole time. So if some is traveling I-95 either north or southbound and sees a grey honda civic tunred updside and smoking please stop. Its probably me and I might be...
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thanks. i like it.. it's all dark and angry.. like my soul...

I took my cousin Jamie's cat to the vet yesterday. It crawled into the dryer for the warmth I guess and Jaime put some clothes in the dryer and turned it on. That poor cat was tumbling for about 30 minutes before anyone noticed. How you not notice a fucking cat in the dryer in beyond me. The noise alone you know? Anyway Alvin (the...
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oh my god. these pictures are fucking great. i love your profile pic especially. haha
poor kitty.....(fuck man i almost typed porn kitty...???)
I'm Back. biggrin
Yay for being back! And thank you for the comment on my set the other day! kiss
I almost ran over a guy on his bike today. I looked, no one was coming my way so I pulled out of the parking lot and there was a guy on a bike just coming all in my way. Then he had the balls to shout and give me a dirty look. A couple of days ago my friend Sambo's car overheated and we...
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Actually, I think he was just trying to show off his flexibility... bastard... always rubbing it in. wink

Oh, and let's hear it for no hurricanes. Isn't this the first weekend in over a month?
"Where will you be when your diareha comes back?"

Hopefully, sitting over some really annoying person's sleeping face, that would be fun...

And Thankles, I lurvs my new hair biggrin