I've been so caught up in talking to old friends that i've barely gotten anything done the last 3 weeks. And not like the whole chit-chat "how have you been!?" but like getting into really deep personal discussions about attitudes and philosophies and realizing that there are people i knew when i was a teenager that somehow I connected to on such a profound level...
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that is the cutest pitbull ever! biggrin
i hate when they have trimmed ears puke
i have no idea what the attitude towards them here is, i was always a bit skeptical about bull terriers

but iv actually gotten quite fond of them also, they can be the sweetest dogs ever if brought up right.
well that goes for any dog really.
not that i want a dog of my own, when i finally move out i plan to stay pet-less

i hope you're right about the awesomity of my short hair! looking like a bull dyke would make me sad. looking like tank girl would be the coolest thing ever! i love tank girl. Though i dont think im going quite that short. ...
and yes i would most definitely dye my hair something cool again. iv been dreaming about having blue hair for YEARS. alas, 2 things are stopping me: crazy coloured hair dye has to be bought from the internet and sent from civilized countries (america or uk) and.... i am poor and that shit is expensive! :/ i am working on this general plan tho
you think i'd make a good Tank girl biggrin thats awesome
um... i don't think it's really mine, maybe my local subculture. my friends say it's a BC thing.
Yaay you're out there taking pictures I see! Keep on it!

Oooh no no, dont leave a million comments, that is not at all what I was asking in the blog. I hate spammers and people who beg for comments on their sets in member review and that isn't something that makes a set get bought, probably on the contrary. No - I just thought since I also know how hard work it is shooting sets for girls it would be nice to give P_mod some appreciation for the work he put into shooting that set. It is very much thanks to him and his photography that the tribute to the film was so spot on.

The new set hasn't gone into member review yet, I think its a couple hours left.
Some day I'm going to write a book and it's going to be fucking great. And i hope it'll inspire people. I want to be a catalyst for social change sometimes. But mostly, I just want to better the lives of the few people that I like in this world.
Ok then I will go see it!

Well, you can hear what I sound like in two of my videos that are in the video section of my profile. In real life swedish people wouldn't say "ya" at the end of sentances.. so I have no idea where the film people have got that idea from. I mean, you wouldn't end a sentance with a "yes" (which ja means) in swedish OR in "swenglish". Not even if you're asking something - which is more common in english - yes? ;D
It's more likely that one would use it in the beginning of one.
I do have a little bit of an accent though - on certain words. Its probably even more detectable in every day kind of conversation. When I write journals and stuff like that I usually sit and think quite hard about finding the right words for what I try to express. But when I'm just talking I'm not as careful and so its harder to remember what certain things are called in english if I'm more used to saying them in swedish.. or thinking about them in swedish.
whoa, what the fuck? The soundtrack for the new Twilight movie actually sounds like its going to be amazing.
Ooh are you a twillighter? I have never seen one of the films or read any of the books, is it true that the main fascination is mainly due to a hot actor? Or is there some deeper quality in there somewhere?

The photos that were in the top in the journal, like from the vacant house, those are all film. I've been shooting as much as I can afford in film lately because I love the way they come out. There is a real difference, even though there are endless ways to make a digital image look filmy.
One you cannot control as much, so you cannot shoot tons of the same thing. Just hope that that one shot is ok. Which makes for more spontaneus pictures imho.
For all the latest Prague sets I've only used natural light. It's what I like the most. (Those are of course in digital though).

I think you shouldn't worry about having great equiptment and all that, its the motif and the composition that means the most. For me, at least, when I look at photos.


just got back from my visit to Seattle/Portland. I went there thinking i was going to love Seattle so much more, but in the end I fell in love with Portland.

If i can say one thing: the food in Portland was AMAZING. That's all that really needs to be said. When deciding to move somewhere, the available cuisine is of the utmost concern....
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I love the pirate face.

Mwah Boy!


I've had a really bad cold and on-and-off stomach issues for the last several days of our trip. I spent a whole day in bed two days ago and i've spent half of today in bed.
on the plus side, this half day in bed involved awesome sex. now that's good medicine.
fucking vancouver WA! whenever i'm in the PNW in the states and i say i'm from vancouver i have to specify that i mean the canadian one. people assume i mean the portland satellite.

sg doesn't own the rights to bad days - you should contact lavonne though! she has the big size files!
I am glad to hear you approve. smile

Awesome sex is good medicine. Hope you are feeling better. Have a great weekend. smile
Have a good and safe trip.
BABE!!!! That's US!!! And that's the first time my boob is on the internet haha
New mission: world domination.
The question is:
Can personal revolution lead to greater social impact?
Yes, it depends on how you try and on who you are working with to make it. It's all about persistance, conviction, organization, luck and good, smart, helpful people. I guess I'm leaving a lot more important things out, but I do think you can make a difference. If not a huge impact, at least at a smaller scale, but still much more than nothing. Anyway, people like us are going to make it happen tongue

Gotta change the world one person at a time. The problem with changing other people is that it can come off as preacher and people can be bullheaded and not willing to listen to other people's opinion.
So my next big creative project is coming together. I'm going to create my ideal household and i'm going to rent a house (99% sure it'll be in Seattle) and basically choose the roommates myself. Me, Eva, and my long-time friend Nick are already confirmed.

-It's going to be a vegetarian household. We're going to cook a lot, and have a family dinner at least...
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Happy birthday smile
Happy Birthday! smile
I guess, should anybody see this, you should check out my myspace music page. www.myspace.com/danmazuz
I hope to have a lot more fully-produced original material on there within the year. There's some more snippets for checking out now.
cut it into pieces (thin slabs), marinate it in something sweet (like teriyaki, or mango juice and soy sauce, or jam, or raspberry vinegar and bbq sauce), and then bake it. yum.
oh, so close! and yet so far away! i love seattle, i should hit the city for more than an afternoon sometime.