Oh God I'm so tired! I've been working my big ass off trying to get everything ready for the tattoo expo this weekend with the Gypsy Queens. I have been so busy I havn't been able to concentrate on how I LOOK! Considering that's kind of a big part of what our booth is about, I guess I better get a move on ad have...
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how much does it cost to get in?
definitely will be seeing you at some point on friday, ill text ya!
Hey, come get your pic taken with me dressed as a pinup for five bucks. Your cash goes to Blue Star Mothers Miami Valley Chapter 3. They send comfort packages to the troops. I'm also raffling off a certificate from Chipotle Mexican Grille for a party for TEN people! This includes all your food (burritos, chips and guacamole, soft drinks, everything but alcohol)! One caveat:...
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I thought Guacamole would be 1.50 extra. I eat there almost every day of every other day. Not at yours the one up north, by where I work at F&S Harley.
Wish I could be there. frown
Sorry I missed Havana. Vented about it lats night. I'll survive.
bummer you missed it! i even told Suri and she was sad too!
I am so frustrated.
I have been planning to go to Havana for a month and now at the last minute I can't go. I planned my whole day around it, got a new outfit together, got superexcited and I feel really let down and bitter about it now. Some of you know that my bf who I live with is disabled and walks with...
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love kiss
That blows.
The boy does this too, and I can't exactly drive to Columbus on a temp (wellllllllll I coullllllld but I'm black) which means I'd be locked up quick.
Plus I got the keys to my new place yesterday so I'm moving (as I type this..I'm on a small break)
AND I'm completly broke.
We can do something sometime soon, my car does decent with gas. (it's a fucking ford escort) but I put a lot of $$ to fix that piece so it's allllllllllllllllright.
I'm looking for a photographer to help out The Gypsy Queens at Big Daddy's Tattoo & Bike Expo September 12,13 & 14. We are doing a booth of "Pic with a Pinup" and need someone that can take the pics as well as print them on the spot. I have had two photographers cancel on me and need someone quickly, so if you want to...
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you should ask Alex Cortez, i have his # if you need it.
I've had one really good and productive weekend. I love it when I feel like I've accomplished something!

Yesterday was a shower for my sister who adopted two wonderful kids! We had such a good time and man these kids got s shitload of gifts! I got a Hello Kitty purse and makeup for Patience and we had origionally picked out a Pantera kickass hat...
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yay for productive weekends, i was lazy most of the weekend except for friday. will we be seeing ya at havana on thursday? i hope so!

im trying to sell a bunch of my old concert tshirts and just shirts i never wear, so tell me about this ebay drop off store. i would rather try to sell these shirts instead of donating them to goodwill ya know? all they are doing is taking up space, and i just wanna get rid of em!
Happy to hear all is well!!! Can't wait to see you at Havana
I'm so happy it's finally the weekend. Saturday I'm helping my Mommy give a shower for my little sis. She recently adopted two kids Hunter 9 and Patience 7. They are awesome! Patience and I are thick as thieves already! My mom had the brilliant idea of giving my sis Mimi (that's what I call her, her real name is Mandy)a baby shower. So cute!...
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just keep all it, thats really all you can do. you still have a few weeks to get some more GQs, who all is working? i can see if i know any who would be interested. and dont worry, we'll still come out to support ya, most likely on that friday!
waaahhhhhh! I feel like crap. I had the first migraine I've had since before my son was born! That's eleven years! I thought I was gonna die last night or at the least be in the hospital. My wonderful bf tommy took very good care of me and I'm somewhat ok now, just worn out from it.

And of course i completely forgot that i...
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awww honey. *hug* i know the pain of a killer migraine.
and seriously, whats with church and pigs? mine does that too! oink
I hope you start feeling better! I know migranes are no fun frown .. When I was growing up the church I went to roasted whole teenagers! Yep.. just popped their little demon heads off.. stuck a stick from the neck to the butthole.. cooked them whole! Only the teenagers that were different. the ones with wild hair, wore all black.. listen to anything other then southern gospel.. yeah..one time I was chased all over the place by mad old church lady's with pitch forks! Its destroyed me.. they picked off the entire damn youth group..it was aweful!! I no longer attend that church..lol.. If I did.. they would still chase me around and try to cook me whole..and damn they would get a lot of meat off of me..hahaha
guess ill have to make an appearance, probly friday or saturday sometime!
I work pretty close to there at F&S Harley THe top one
Hi kids! Long time no update again.
Still getting my shit together for the Gypsy Queens "pic with a pinup" booth at Big Daddy's Tattoo & Bike Expo '08 here in Dayton September 12,13 &14. You have to come! You just HAVE to!
I also need to borrow any pinup-y clothing or assecories any of my wonderful friends are willing to let me because I'm...
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make sure you get me details, im sure i can round the crew up for one of those days!
i want details of said gypsy queens event!

and i can honestly say that is one of the cutest pics of you EVA! wink
im sooo there, i'll round up my peeps! get me the flyer once you have and ill have promote that shit. what GQ's are gonna be there? talk to Arorablue, cause she may be interested. im sooo proud, i'll definitely be there though but keep me updated!