cigs bought me the new sia cd, called ironically "some people have real problems"

but it's really good, and not depressing. he didn't want to get it if it was depressing.

it's not.

he's sorry for everything he's done to me. he gets that he's done little to add any good to my life, whereas i have always been good and forgiving to him.

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Well it's good to hear that it really is...

focus on the school. send him good thoughts but don't get sucked in tooooo much.
cigs has cancer. op is friday. then radiation. the g/f is gone cuz she attacked me on email and said the worst shit, then tried to cover it up when she regretted it later. he dumped her immediately. he came by to apologize to me. and hopefully that's it. that's just the cole's notes version of my drama-filled day. i just hope he'll be ok...
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What the hell was she saying to you?

What a cretan ha ha... Cigs has my sympathy..
seems like everyone is having tragedy right now...hope you are doing ok thru this...xo
i have a date tonight with a carton of choclate milk and some stanely kubrick movies

i've been feeling a little down. snowed in. tired of living with my parents, but no other option right now...

so since they are out i had some hot sex in the livingroom and then when boy left,

painted my nails pink and walked around in nothing but slippers...
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yeh i can relate - i have just moved in with my step-bro apres living by myself for 2 yrs - it's weird living with someone again.
i could dig the hot sex though yup haha.
Sex and slippers...that lethal combination that drives men wild hahaha...hope you're doing well sweetie...sounds like it...take care.
Great photo's... even better realizations about your past with Mr. Cig and bravo on the 6 months with Rob. The stars seem to be aligning for you my darling.... a rockstar in the making. smile
you're on the up and up - focus on that huh.
yay on 6 months and so forth
crazy night last night

mutual friend randomly texts rob to say SG was going to be at the Republik. he works there so we got VIP guest list, a booth, and bottle service. met and danced with kensington, lucy and chanel. forgot that vodka is my mortal liquor enemy. rob couldn't find me for half an hour cuz my head was in the toilet.

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sounds like a... ummm... good time?
Dry heaving is the WORST. Ever.
winter is soooo boring

the news says we're twenty hrs behind the amount of sun we should have by this time of year

i'm glad i got loads in NZ. but the last three days there have been breaks in the grey so i try to take advantage.

overall i feel good. just really understimulated. and not really into the idea of going back to...
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get that push in young lady tongue

Go and stimulate yourself buddy... I need the same push btw
gosh how do they measure sunlight?

keep arting it.
harakiri, "cutting the belly".

...nihly causes pain to the abdominal area when you fuck up.

(don't fuck up)

i just looked at a bunch of art for school stuff.

i feel a mixture of "i could easily do that" , and

"i'm never ever fucking going to be able to do that, give up now you unorignial spawn of postmodernist times."

but then i will...
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Whenever I look at art, I always get the "I could never fucking do that" voice going through my head. You are way better than that.

mmmmmm lasagna
just trying to clean up and get into the schoolwork. this weekend my mom's making lasagnia for my birthday dinner, and i request key lime pie as my "cake". it's my favourite. my mom's super stressed because my dad is going out to buy a new car instead of buying out the car we've been leasing, a subaru impreza, which was just installed with a...
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that... is a lot of magazines. I can't really say anything about the picking up, because I'm messy too.

I will send happy thoughts your way. You, in return, should send some key lime "cake" my way. Deal?
well, sometimes you just have an argh! day.

it's actually taking a lot more time to get settled back into being here again.

i hate hate hate the short winter days. my sleep is fucked. if ever there were a time i needed my sleep pills back, that time is now. and i am just unmotivated. i'm trying to get motivated, but BLAH

i miss...
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hugs for the now. YAY for the happiness. I MISS YOU!
sometimes it's okay to be a little without direction. as long as you don't get stuck in the same place. it'll be easy to initially be nostalgic for the way it was - pretty soon, if you let yourself settle - you may find that it's not as bad as you surmised and the people that you are sentenced to spend the days with have some redeeming qualities - look for them.

tomorrow is my birthday. i turn 23. not exactly a milestone or anything. well, maybe in my personal life and not measured by age because this is the year where i am really starting out fresh, starting over again.

when i got back from the cottage yesterday night, after i posted, i got really bummed and had thoughts i haven't had in a very long...
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So you're feeling better, right? I hate it when I have a moment like that and no one to talk to. Glad you pulled through it though smile smile smile smile

Welcome to normality! It's not always great but its better the other options smile

Here's to you make new friends
happiest of birthdays mademoiselle.
i'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the accents and stuff.
i, too speak slowly - perhaps slower than most - cos i'm a country lad methinks. i think the NZ accent is even quainter than the aussie's though - don't know why - just is.
gots to go but goodluck with school and such.
i just came back from the cottage. ahhh what to say about the cottage? never ever disappointing.

it is winter so everything is frozen and we have to bring fresh water in jugs. i wanted a "shower" and forgot the water was turned off and everything, so rob got a big bucket from the lake and i boiled four large pots and then i shower...
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he sounds like me... always willing to put on a show tongue
never had a girl that would though frown

so there is a video of this? thats cool
YAYYYYYYY--you're back!!!!!