8, the age of wonder.

I remember as a child my mother took me shopping for new church clothing one Saturday afternoon. We always went to the mall. She took me to JCPenney's to buy my clothes.

She was always paranoid about me hitting a growth spurt at any time. So she would escort me into the boy's dressing room to have me try the...
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ay! chainsaw! i am planning a crimethinc tour right now, you should check out one of our dates, although the closest to you may be NY, but reguardless be on the lookout for us all over this summer!
Trying to Remember.

Was it Friday again? Maybe Thursday. Can't remember for the life of me. I do remember the fresh smell. Yes. A bakery on the corner. I'm sitting there on a milky green bench with my back turned to the sweet smell of butter and baked flour. The paint on the bench is peeling from a lack of attention. The newspaper wept a...
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Saw your mention of the "American Hardcore" book by Stephen Blush. My old band is mentioned in that book (Dresden 45). He got a lot of facts skewed in there, but overall that's an excellent document of the old scene. He tackled that whole project all by himself, so a few fuck ups here and there is to be expected. Cheers.
I found a photo of you from a party at Will's. I think it was Big Chad's birthday. I'll have to e-mail it to you.

IM me next time we're both online. James was signed into my account and he thought it was his, so he deleted all the names he didn't recognize. We need to get together and write. School ends next week, and I have a lot of ideas brewing.
A gear for each thought. A continuing motion. A cycle that doesn't quit even when unconcious. Where does it end? Does death kill the gear or is the gear passed to others? The thought is not dead nor is the gear. The gear is infathomable. It could or couldn't be. The thinking but not thinking. A puzzle for the puzzled. Our thoughts are the same...
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i pick my nose......haha, the new zegpta rocks, i was actually kinda sorta on tour with them for like 2.5 seconds, my friends in requiem were doing some date with them this winter in the northeast and then we all got really sick, so i was there for one show, passesd out and went home instead of on to the next. they rule though. we seem similar, be my friend!
oh yeah and the whole me being cautious thing wa sa result of somene telling me that certain people were thinking i was telling people how to behave. as that was not my intent at all i had to make it blatently clear.
Fecal Excellence

This is a proud time during my daily activities. I bend over long enough to binge out an unusually massive brown snake from my rectal eye. My sphincter is an amazing advisor. It gives didactic instruction with just the slightest seepage of air. As if reciting soliloquies to itself. The combinations of emitted juices, odor, and compact waste, make for an artistic panorama...
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Mmmmmm...anal pleasure...
Sweet.... how'd you get those Army points? hehe
So what could I tell you about my writing? Could I tell you that it is out of control?

To fill you in, I won't write mundane journal entries. I'm sorry. Life is just way too explicit for me to kowtow to anyone's specific reading level. I will have my views handed to you in a raw primitive form. It is I who will keep...
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I went with my mom, but it was my idea to go see him. He kicks ass.
It's May and you haven't posted again. You used the word "shackled" twice. If you think readers are morons, why in the hell would you write? You're awfully young and angry for 24, what's wrong, can't sell any of your musings?
A shrill voice in my head removes itself from my body and settles itself infront of my face. I call it Borlen. I don't know why. It has no remarkable detail to it's appearance. It has no mass, or anatomical structure. There's nothing to give it visual characteristics, but it can be identified. Knowingly it's there. Giving while taking. It's a flawless entity. A raw...
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I work up in Lake Co, about 75 miles north of here.

And they didn't have punch, alas.
I've got to read a few of those Answer Me. I don't own any but a friend of mine is a collector of stuff like that. He's got a few copies of Answer Me and a bunch of rare hardcore and punk zines.
Ignoring all superficial restraints, I burst through the door at full speed ready to meet the challenges that waste my daily life. I have little concern for awareness as I'm speeding along the highway; open container of black liquid straddled by my crotch. Where am I headed? When will I get there? Only the sun can tell the time. Only the devils that hide from...
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Eyes have crust over with a hard mucus coating. I couldn't chip it away with a chisel.

What should I do with a grain of salt?

How cam a question be answered with a question?

Daddy can I grow up to be a fish?

When do airplanes get their wings?

How many feet are in a light year?

Does it take two 90 degree turns...
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