Rockband and Guitar hero are the best games to come out since Zelda (in my opinion) As a female... its hard for me to keep up with certain video games such as Halo or Call of Duty. My brain can't comprehend to move side to side AND up and down AT THE SAME TIME! I rock it old school where you turn one way, and...
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That is so awesome! Must take so much practice! I was in future shop and watched an employee play. He had it on expert and it was amazing to watch. It's crazy how interactive video games are now.
hey, if u r playing on ps3 version, im gonna attempt to add u to my playstation network friends list, i rock at the drums
Some of you may or may not know, that today; June 3rd.. IS MUH BIRTHDAY!!! I was home alone all day because everyone was at work; but I still managed to have a good time! The sun was out ALL DAY, when it was suppose to rain... so it got me in a fun and silly mood!

I attached a video of me singing to...
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope that everyone treats you like a queen on your special day!
Happy Birthday Melissa.
Alright... so I partied hard. Had a ton of fun! Went to a shitty hardcore show and laughed at the scene kids. Went back to my house and drank real hard, real fast!! Played a card game 'snap' which I RULED AT!!!!!!!!!!!! being drunk enhanced my skills I think! I wound up 'swooping the cards in an evil manner' saying "LOOK AT ALL MUH RICHES,...
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Hey! First, Happy birthday wink Second, OMG! I saw the pics you posted of QOTSA.....drrrrrooools... love Love them! Haha, and ya got some pretty good pics of 'em! I guess I should say, thanks for posting!!!! We should Start a QOTSA group! lol....anyway, have a great b-day kiddo! biggrin
Have an awesome weekend kids! I know I will because this is my birthday weekend (but it really isn't until Tuesday) but I'm milkin this "birthday weekend" for all its worth!!! My girlfriend from out of town came in to celebrate with me.. which will be a nice change from dudes 24/7!!! We're going to an alternative burlesque show tonight! and then tomorrow we are...
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Have a great birthday weekend tell about the show once you recover hee hee
haha my ex types EXACTLY like that
I have come to realize with my social anxiety that I am slightly Agoraphobic! What's that you ask?

Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder, often precipitated by the fear of having a panic attack in a setting from which there is no easy means of escape. As a result, sufferers of agoraphobia may avoid public and/or unfamiliar places. In severe cases, the sufferer may become confined...
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I was bored and decided to have fun with my camera. I'm a picture whore, I can't help that. Anyhoo... It was lovely outside and I DID manage to get my arse outside and take advantage of the weather after I was done with my ridiculous photoshoot. These pictures are big and I didn't feel like resizing them so ya'll will just have to deal!...
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I sent ya a request =)
im sure we'll have drinking times one day

st. johns, ny?

whatre you doing for your 21st?
my friend told me to download a song today, and I'm glad I took her advice!!

If you haven't heard Katy Perry- I kissed a girl... YOU NEED TO NOW!!!!!!!

I'm hooooked! It's catchy, and very true. I think every girl can relate to it.

I'll make it real easy for you and add a youtube link below!! take a listen.

I bet your hooked...
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That song is funny. How can you resist cherry chapstick?