Yesterday I went to Munich for the opening of Oktoberfest and it was pretty cool...some things that I saw at the fest

Leather short on dudes
Africans in Lederhosen (not kidding)
Huge mustaches on men AND women
Pink collared shirts on dudes (THIS HAS TO STOP!!!)
Japanese People
Drunk Germans
Drunk Americans
Cleavage (it's those traditional German outfits REALLY enhances the breast!)
about 50 different...
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It's raining right now.....I was going to walk to the store and get something to drink and some smokes but nevermind I'll just wait until tomorrow.....
So I was doing my laundry thinking about the days events.......And I started thinking about the woman that was teaching the German orientation class.....She was born in Germany in 1943 and instead of getting a birth certificate she was given a small book by the German Government complete with Third Riech stamps...

In that book it had her family history for the past three generations.....In...
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So I was supposed to go on a tour of downtown Stuttgart today but I woke up to late and missed the bus......And I paid my 3.50 Euro yesterday too!.......Oh well I guess I'll have to figure out the bus system by myself......Oh yeah and buy an alarm clock
Ok...so I'm in Germany and so far so good.....I haven't ventured outside yet but this week I'm going to learn about the public transportation system so that should be cool.....I went to the store today to buy some grocieries (typical stuff that a single guy buys) and I found these pickle's that are sliced long ways instead of in little chips!.........How genious is that?.....Man that...
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Man time flies......I've been on vacation for the past 45 days and now it's coming to an end.....Tuesday I'm moving to Germany.....I've never been to Europe before so I'm pretty excited about moving. It might be awhile before I get to check any kind of email, but as soon as I can I'll update.
just when I thought I knew alot about drinks and drinking......I discovered Black and Tans.....ya know....guiness and harp's lager.......oh man dem shit's are F'ing delicious!.......

And I've been a serious drinker for the past 13 years!......and I've only just discovered the magic of black and tans.....just think of all the fun i've missed

it's really sad if you think about it

it's 0200 in the morning and I can't sleep......so I made myself a sandwhich....I usually put Cholula and mustard on my sandwhich's and I did the same thing tonight!.....

I have no idea why I can't sleep I just can't I really want to drink but I have to be a work in four hours so there goes that plan......

Maybe I just watch some...
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This past Monday tradegy struck twice......the first incident happend in the morning in the shower.....I'm drying off and feel something on my leg so I look down and see this HUGE FREAKING roach crawling up my leg......I scream like a little kid and take off running out of the shower......It took me like twenty minutes to kill the damn thing....it was one tough little bastard...
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I recently watched two Japenese movies

Kamikaze Girls and Battle Royale

And they both became my favorite movies almost instanly!

Too bad when I lived in Japan I didn't take the time to look into the movies or music or anything for that matter..

I'm not going to make that mistake when I move to Germany in a couple of months