I was running home from the gym through a foot of snow listening to my iPod and "Highway 101" by Social D came on........it was pretty funny.
ok....after months of frustration I finally figured out how to add pics.....now if I could just figure out how to change my profile pic.....that will probably take another ten months
Ok this is my cheesy contribution to the look back at the end of
the year review.....

January I was still in Afghanistan getting rocketed and
freezing my ass off....then went back to Hawaii to 80 degree
weather....where I had the honor of meeting the Parents
of the Marines whose lives where lost in Afghanistan

February I got to go home to Texas and bought...
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I used coupons today for the first time in about five years and I saved $2.85......I was pretty happy about that....also I find myself watching ABC Worldnews just so I can see two newscasters.......Sonya Crawford and Taina Hernandez both are just absolutely beautiful........and I wonder if they would consider doing a photo shoot for SG.....oh man that would be sweet.....
I was feeling a little depressed earlier for some odd reason (I have no idea why)......anyways I was sitting here working on a Sodoku puzzle and then "Fade to Black" by Metallica came on......eerie yo....
I had my first jump last night since jump school......I was a tad bit nervous at first we were supposed to jump from 2500 feet but the pilots lowered it to 1200......I walked off the ramp and then "SNAP" the chute came open and I was trying to figure out the toggles on the chute....

I kind of took to long messing with the toggles...
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yesterday I accidently put to much water in my oatmeal.....I'm not a fan of runny oatmeal.....oh well.....I spent my halloween in the gym and afterwards to mark the occasion I watched the first Tree House of Horror (the Simpsons) and I have to say to this day the parody of "The Raven" is one of my favorite episodes of all time....seeing Homer quote Poe without...
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today was pretty uneventful.....I was rudely awaken this morning by some asshole playing Styx and System of a Down...not that I don't like either one of those bands but goddam at 0730 in the morning!....and then to top it off they continued to play the same songs over and over for the next four hours.....oh well they were probably drunk so I can't say I...
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Hahaha! smile
I've had the past four days off from work and how did I spend them?.....at home in my room drinking Nyquill and blowing my nose!......I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday so I went to the gym and am doing my laundry right now.
I can't sleep so I'm posting something.....I'm actually really hungry right now...but I won't eat anyting, I'll just wait untill breakfast....which for me is in five hours anyways.......I had a huge subway at about two this afternoon and I was pretty much done eating for the rest of the day....but at about eight this evening I had some hunger pangs so I ate a banana...
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