The Porn Star Student

I guess the stigma of female sexuality still exist and runs rampant in today's modern world. Is it really that bad that a young women enjoys making pornography? Or is this just another misguided young women being exploited by the porn industry, or using her sexuality to make a profit?

Interesting read, thanks for sharing
Yea, no problem. 

Dear Daughter: I Hope You Have Awesome Sex

I find it very hypocritical when men say they will kill any man/boy that touches their daughter/cousins/sister, etc. When these very same men have treat women like second-class citizens, to be used for their own pleasures and then discarded when convenient. Their excuses are usually: "I know how it is; I used to be like that!" Well,...
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The Human body is amazing! It can do incredible things. And then fuck it right up by snorting in front of a cute girl at the gym. My ability to communicate to other humans is slowly turning into nothing but random noises and grunts.


Not sure if I dig the new SG site... Don't get me wrong, It looks great! But it won't let me be a total perv and open up multiple tabs. Any suggestion?

You should be able to open multiple tabs, what browser and os are you using? @jimfoundry @leiffoundry
Fuck you, George R. Martin! He was supposed to be King in the north! He was supposed to avenge his father! And you took them away! Fucking Bastards! mad

I'm sorry, ladies, I'm just not emotionally stable enough right now after watching the Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones. Ha! frown
Long live...the King...in the North... frown