driving around country because i have no place to go, no place to be...well, really just no place to be. there's always a place to go, if you can get there.

not much other news.

one of my professors lost my paper, asked me to resend an electronic version to him. but my computer crashed at the end of the semester and i lost everything,...
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that's what i thought, but i always just considered it regular uni. now i know!
yeah i Totally hear what your sayin man. thats been my life alot lately too.. just unsure of which ways up and where you'll eventually be going.. sorry to hear about the paper/comp crash bit, thats a huge bummer to lose...

you know this place used to and still kind of is a close knit community, but with my lack of computer/net access i dont come around much anymore. and i havent gottten anything from you guys in a good while so i just wanted to write you to say hello... skull

drop me another line one of these times man, it'd be good to hear from ya.. later metro

finals are over.

still dark thoughts persist.

i can do 1,000 push-ups a day (10 100-push up sets)

i split my chin open tonight, and refused medical treatment...

btw, i'm in Philadelphia visiting my brother before he moves to Hawai'i ne.

send me some love? i mean, c'mon...i've split open my chin and i'm in a strange city where people turn left on red.

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i don't sleep any more...i lie down at night and wait for morning. well, i don't purposely wait. i try to sleep. i try various positions, deep breathing, prayer, meditation, covers, no covers...i even tried wearing some clothes! (i usually/always sleep nude).

so why can't i sleep?

must be nerves...finals begin this friday...and that's a fuck. because i still have so much studying to do!...
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i hate that phrase...not "good grief" (i love THAT phrase), but "the stress is getting to me". it has always sounded like a cop out phrase for people who want to act bitchy just because they feel that their being busy entitles them to be bitchy. not that i'm planning on being bitchy, not at all. i...
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heh heh, so i see there's some curiosity in SG-land as to who has taken to administering my sexual healing. she's an undergrad, a most excellent person. vegan, eco-conscious, etc. i really don't see it going anywhere though. there just isn't THAT much chemistry. plus, she idolises che guevara and well, i just think that's wrong. i hate the bastard, i rank him just behind...
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Congrats on the undergrad nooky! The lack of serious chemistry and your being able to see it is actually a great sign, I think. I've seen a lot of my friends, after long dry spells, get overly and unrealistically enthusiastic about the first girl they happen across, with mostly bad results. I'm no fan of one nighters, but sometimes casual is a godsend. My spell breaker was a good friend, which might seem weird, but that's always been my M.O.

I have to say that I don't exactly idolize Guevera, but I'm curious as to why you would consider him similar to Stalin et al... Do you have direct Cuban connections? (I really don't want to argue about it, just genuinely curious.) I always admired his resolve, especially after he discovered the true Castro, and parted ways with him.

so little time, so ass-raping-much to do!

ok, well, here's the quickie:

i got sick, i got better, i haven't slept a lot, but i've done a lot of reading.

i've been fucked, sucked, and rubbed down, all in the interest of bringing down my fever (now THAT'S some lovin'!), and also got notes from a buddy in one of my classes. awesome.

deadlines are...
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i wish i had your luck with someone to try getting me to feel better hahahahah tongue

good luck man <3

yeah smile

feel better soon too.
who's your nurse?

leave me some luvn to help me feel better wink
as always, the second half of the semester is moving much more quickly than the first half...ouch. i hope i'm ready in time for finals!

the Irish have been doing well the past two weeks. hopefully they keep that momentum up and running and snowballing on into the USC game. we want a championship! :-D

tomorrow, as you all already know, is Halloween, my favourite...
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hahah!! you really need to post a photo of your costume.
wow...what a fall break. it was pretty good. i tested gag reflexes on southern girls...yes, that is supposed to sound dirty. yes, it means what it sounds like.

HOT-LANTA!!! deserves its name, i just wish people weren't so concerned about social classes and there wasn't so much racial tension, it would be a great place to reside. oh, and if they had some effective public...
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took care of the suit fiasco, got what i wanted.

let me tell you, there are only two places you should shop for a (non-custom made) suit, jos. a bank and brooks brothers. if you're not going to shop there, i hope it's because you're having a custom-made suit tailored for you.

fall leaves fell like snowflakes...they fell with the fire and flame of feral...
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NEVER!!!! you must share!!! bcuz i deam it so..
glad to see you're still lurking around Met...

ooo aaa
ordered 2 suits because i have an interview on Friday. both of them came back FUCKED UP. had to go to a different store to buy a 3rd.

will have to return the other two tomorrow. i can't believe this shit. might even have to postpone returning them so that this fucking crap doesn't sour my mood for the interview.

have gained ten pounds since...
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Nothing better than a man in a suit... in the dark.
Nothing better than a man in a suit... in the dark.
it would be great to have something i can latch on to and say, "THIS makes me happy."

but doesn't everyone feel like that then, eh?

i ought not feel like i am so special or so marginal. really, i'm just an ordinary bloke, so fucking ordinary that it's extraordinary...well, what i mean to say is that i'm ordinary in terms of my emotional experiences...
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We had a rather nice storm on Thursday... it was perfection.
I so envy those lucky fools who happened upon that thing that makes them happy early in life. Maybe it makes a person stronger to have to cast about for it. I don't know really.

I drove from Chicago to Ann Arbor last night, from about 2AM to 7AM through one constant electrical storm. When I set out I could see it out over the lake, and once I hit the Skyway I'd entered into it. Me and the lightning traveled together for four hours. Beautiful.