Anyway, yeah. No more work for a bit. So far I've just been tooling around, mostly. I had an interview in New York City on Thursday, which went kind of... eh. I didn't think I performed too well, but afterwards I talked to the recruiters who referred me to the company and said there were some good signs. They did spent a full 8...
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weird. i didnt know you could pay to have your set removed. maybe thats just if they feel like letting you. because im sure there are a few girls that used to be here that arent anymore, that would love to have their names disassociated w/ sg.


i wana have a trampoline partee
One more day of work! And then screw this, I'm out of here.

I got a formal offer from the place down in McLean today, for a 20% raise over my current salary plus bonuses and stock options and whatever. I also took a coding test for the NYC place. It seemed pretty easy, so hopefully it went well. God only knows what they'll pay...
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Well, it took me less time to find a new job than it did to finish quitting my old job. My two weeks' notice hasn't even run out yet, and I've already got an offer. The AI research firm down in McLean said they thought the interview went really well, and that I should expect a formal offer some time early next week. As far...
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I quit my job! (If you're wondering, it's because it was dull as all hell.) I was thrilled to discover that they pay me for my saved vacation time, too, so on my last day I'll be taking home several thousand dollars, even though the week before will be a payday.

Anyway, I don't have a new job lined up yet, but I have several...
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So, my sister's graduation was last weekend. It was nice to see her, but unfortunately I didn't really get to for most of it. There was a great deal of sitting around waiting for this or that ceremony, so the whole thing was pretty tedious. I'm just not a ritualist sort of person, I guess. I didn't want to go to mine, I didn't want...
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Thanks for commenting on my set!
You know, I said I was going to update when Dwen finished her analysis, but she's gotten lazy. New update anyway, soon. Not tonight, because I have to get up early tomorrow. Plus, I must scold her in one last-ditch attempt to get the results of our experiment.

By the way, does anyone want to tell me where they've moved the home page to? I...
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Thanks for the lovely comment on mine and Dorsal's set smile

Spent the weekend up in Connecticut with Dwen. It was a good time. As we do every semester, we ran through the battery of psychiatric tests her classes have taught her. This semester, she's doing personality testing, so we ran through a few analyses for that. There was one very straightforward one, where I completed sentences like "My mother is...." or "I wish...." or "I...
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she passed away less then two weeks ago. frown
also, I only cut vegetables with daggers because you do.
St. Patrick's Day was fun, but not interesting enough to warrant details. There was a party,. It was low-key but decent. End of story. It's kind of a drinkers-only holiday, you know? That is not my particular pigeon-hole, with the occasional exception in the right company. So, whatever.

My friend talked me into going to her yoga class yesterday, though. That was interesting. It's less...
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Wow. Rusty's a sweet girl and all, but she has assembled what may be the most profoundly uninteresting group of people I have ever had to interact with. Worst. Party. Ever.

And the girl that has a crush on me didn't even show up.
I'm glad that you liked my set! kiss biggrin

The butterfly was not a prop, it showed up on it's own accord. I think it may have been my body lotion. If I remember correctly, I had put on some really sweet smelling fruity lotion earlier in the day. I think that is why it kept showing up smile
Saw a couple of good movies last weekend, thought I'd share.

First, we went and saw Last King of Scotland in the theater. It's about, as you might have guessed... Idi Amin, president of Uganda? Yeah. Apparently the guy was a bit crazy, and legend has it that he actually believed himself to be a King of Scotland. Hence the title. (Other craziness includes believing...
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