Today is the day!smile
Protean Broadcast <--current band name
"Test Pattern" <---working album title
premiere tonight.
just playing two songs at an open mic night since we don't have a fully rounded line-up but I am excited. Its been a while since I've played live so I can't wait. These songs/this project is something slightly different from what I normally play, so its really a testing of waters.
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something strange and ironic about being super smashed drunk and rocking out to Minor Threat

mehhhh just another Friday night.
school tomorrow smilefrownwhatever
I hope I can sleep tonight.
all I can think about is Billy Madison.
and Charlie from Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, for some reason.
its a good day for coffee, Jeff Buckley, and rain/70 degree weather biggrin

will hopefully be moving soon.smile
and starting school again after a very lengthy abscencewhatever
I am super super excited about seeing Mogwai tonight. I was recently turned onto them so I'm not to familiar with all of their work, but mostly everything I've heard I've liked. Especially their latest album.

I've had a long week, I hope this show helps put it all behind me.
Yay! I finally have the internet again. But still busy and very productive in preparation for my show coming up. Been writing, writing, and rehearsing. But mainly writing.
More info on that to come.
For now all is well.

not having the internet kinda sucks.
especially when I can't keep up with my SG.

on the plus side I have an audition today for an art gallery to which I might be playing some selected ambient works. however I have nothing really prepared and I have no instructions as to what they might want.
wish me luck smile