I am so boring I boar my self! Not a good sign really, but what can you do.

Dear old psycho mom called me a few weeks ago and told me she had quit her job. With no savings no pension no nothing. surreal So I have been a little stressed because I have been after her for years to prepare and take care of things,...
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if you realy want a shirt that says The Dirty Show than let me know...they sell them for the show and they are pretty cute biggrin
Been a slow crawl here as well. Not really feeling like doing anything although there is much I could be doing. I'm sure I'll curse myself for leting it all go to waste once the snow hits and I'm stuck inside...

Although I am going to TOOL on Saturday so I guess I can just claim the reservation of energy for that ouiting!

As far as the roomie thing, I didn't need to hear that. Heh heh. I'm taking one on myself at the end of this month and I'm really hoping we get along ok. If not I'll just stop bathing or something and stink him out...

Awesome day today went down to the beach with all the other riff raff. It was just too damn hot to hang at the apt. Had a few beers and sat on the beach for a wile. Walked around Venice at dusk. Bought a book at Small World Books "Gulag" nice book store with some very friendly cats. Once I am vehiclized next month I...
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I had no idea that was the name of an album. Of course I had to go look it up after you mentioned it and it does indeed sound like it would be pretty good, that is if it's the compilation album that I found under the same name.

That leaves me wondering how the hell I came up with it. Must have heard it somewhere, sometime else and it just sat in my brain waiting to pop up again.

Strike another one for my thinking I can come up with the odd, profound one-liner all on my own now and again... LOL.

Yeah sounds like you had a nice day!
Went to see Factotum tonight. It was very good. The music was really good too. Should be a big hit around SG land.
Kristin Asbjornsen did the score and it is awesome. Think female nick cave from "Wings of Desire" Gonna have to buy this one.
I dig Bukowski, been waiting for that movie to come out. Probably wait (a little) longer for it to come out on DVD though.

Matt Dillon was on Rollins' show a week or so ago talking about it and it sounds very interesting. Oddly it's one of the few Bukowski books I have yet to read and I'm wondering if I should spoil the movie by reading the book or the book by watching the movie...

'Course although I'm sure Dillon does a fine job it's not quite how I picture Henry Chinaski in my head.

I'll keep an open mind.
Yes, we now have ICE!!!

Only took 'em a week and they still acted like they were doing me a favor...

At least it is in fact brand new and not some auction house repair job like I was fearing it would be. I went out and got some fresh food the same day and ate like a king. Tomorrow's the real stress test where I'm going to see how it handles being filled with beer, heh heh!

I think I drank too much!

There's no form of success quite like excess!!!
How much constitutes too much?
I see much drinking in the next 24 hours. Call it a premonition if you will. wink
Gaw, you're old! wink
Got the Licence in the mail today, which surprised me because I was told 6 to 8 weeks. It didn't even take a week.

In other news I hate most of the people I work with. It like the dorky Kids in Jr High with really bad breath. Apparently people never really mature. They get bigger, hairier, and fatter but they are still just 12...
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And here I thought we were just an organized culture of Monkeys in pants...

That would explain the poo-throwing.

Hating most people you work with can be a good thing. It makes it easier to step over them on the way up.

I'de make a drink to toast your physical proof of driving priviledges in the state of California but I have neither ice nor the means to make any...

How warm can milk get and still be drinkable?
Got my CA Drivers licence today. One more step on the road to becoming a responsible adult, as if that was the goal. Pshaw.

Had a strange occurrence this evening. An old man about 60 walked up to me wile I was waiting for the bus.
" Do you know of any retirement homes around here?"
As I said "No," I looked him over. He...
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Thank you for helping that old guy. My mom was a nursing home administrator when I was a kid, so all my playmates were ancient. It was like having a whole building full of grandparents, and I was a cute kid so they all doted on me. Sometimes I feel like I still have a little bit of that love they infused me with back then.

What? What the fuck was that all about?

Hey, whadya think the Homoland Scrutiny guys would think of this?
Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed my set smile congrats on getting your ca license smile
Went to get my california Drivers liscence today. I have an outstanding ticket from 1996 that I never took care of. Its 10 years and 3 months old. I renewed my Arizona liscence several times and never heard a word about it. The catch is that sacrimento must clear the hold and it takes time, alot of it aparently
Well, depending on where you live in LA, you might be the lucky one. I live in the West Valley and you couldn't depend on public transpo here. But in Hollywood and downtown, it's easier than finding parking.

And you want to know the real "L" story? I am addicted to coffee from Urth Cafe, but of course there is nowhere to park in West Hollywood. I always figured I'll just be in and out ... and then got all these stupid "no permit parking" tickets. So besides the fact that I was now drinking $60 cups of coffee ... the City of West Hollywood wrote and told me that I was such a menace that I could never have a parking permit even if I lived there! No big, who can afford that place anyway? wink
I wish there was an echo, at least then I could pretend someone was talking back to me... LOL

Gotta love the DMV. When they want something from you it's gotta be NOW. When you need something from them...

6 to 8 weeks.

Called in sick with a very upset stomach, one day this week. Not sure how but I still worked 50 hours in 4 days surreal
Anyway I am being very sloth-full on the weekend...

and now I am board.

Went to buy a cell phone yesterday. They want a $500 deposit because I recently moved here and don't currently have an account. I used to use...
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60 Hours in 5 days. Going in tomorrow too. UGG!

Such is life as a corporate tool for the rich.

mad mad

Eat them all!
60 hour weeks. Gotta love 'em.

I did that for about a year straight a while back and yeah, it pretty much blew. It was right around the time I found myself suddenly single again after 12 years so the money did come in handy and it kept me too busy to freak out too often.

Now though I can't for the life of me remember what the hell else I did that year besides work. It's yet one more lost year I've chalked up that I'll kindly ask for a refund for on the day I meet my maker...

I hope she's a nice guy.
I haven't worked a 60 hour week in a long time. I hope you survive! I know it's gonna feel like 60 hours at my work when I get back from this trip to Oklahoma on Tuesday. But I know that's not the same thing as actually doing it. I hope you get some rest and some fun soon.