I'm really loving the new B.o.B tune featuring Hayley Williams ( love ). It pretty much sums up how I've been feeling lately too.
it's pretty.
miss ya
I'm so utterly bored with life. I have no real friends here anymore. The friends I did have have either moved away (they obviously have more than half a brain) or I've just outgrown them. Well, I say outgrown - the only thing they're interested in is going out and getting trashed all the time - but I can't do that no more, it's not...
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I'm really sorry you are feeling like this *big hug* Hope things improve soon.
When I first got with Nathan I thought all my prayers had been answered, all the things I so longed for in my past relationship was handed to me on a plate - I was happy, for the first time in a very long time, i was happy. Yet now, a year on i find myself asking myself these questions quite regularly. Do i want...
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I'm so confused right now. I'm not sure what to do about my relationship. I know if I end it i'd be throwing away a decent guy, but connection is missing - and connection is very important to me. The last few months I've come to realize what I really want in a partner - and I think I've come to this conclusion because I'm...
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No not at all i went with the hospital group and it cost me just under four grand. Really lovely ppl the hopital is great my surgeon mr straten is great and the nursing staff are lovely here and so helpfull

Its the first time ive had an operation so was really scared but they totally put my mind to rest and its not half as bad as i thought it was going to be when i woke up. I came back to my room about half 10 this morn and i have only just had some pain killers so showa its not too bad. I had under the muscle whixh is a bit more painful but to be honest it just feels like i went a bit too mad at the gym and over done it.

Ive only taken a week off work as i dont think answerng the phone and making tea will do too mich damage. Xx
I'm sick of this fucking relationship. It's bollocks.
no worries ..

everywhere i turn, people are going through shit with relationships at the moment surreal
Ok, so Day 1 went well and surprise surprise I feel better already. I was up early this morning (and not just up and relocated to the sofa), but actually up, pottering around the house doings that need to be done - starting with myself. I've really let myself go recently, mainly because I have been stuck in a depressive slump and unable to move...
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Hi, how you doing ?

Don't be afraid of failing .. if you do, it's just a little setback
Just start again smile
Right, I've figured this thing out. Well, not necessarily. I've known this for a long time but always chose to brush it to one side or ignore it. I know what I have to do. As of today, I'm going cold turkey. No alcohol, No Cigarettes and No weed - my 3 biggest downfalls. It's not going to be easy, but it has been long...
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great choices! make sure you stick to it though. at times it will be tough, but if you set yourself small goals that add up to the overall goal, you'll achieve it smile

how did that joke go down on your fb status? tongue xx
Depression is eating me up. Trying to think of an excuse to stay off work today.
ahhhh yeah that is a good one!!! us guys just don't understand it!

ahhhh norwich. i have friends and family there. initially thought i had seen you somewhere before, but as i've never ventured to norwich, it's highly unlikely!

steal away! smile xx
Thanks for the info on the puppy worm issue. It just seemed so gnarly for a little thing to deal with. I'm glad to know that it isn't outrageous.
I look into the future as it is now and I see quite clearly; an almost planned life, a tick box list and then you die type scenario. I look into the future as it could possibly be and I see laughter, soul mates and adventure. Yet I plod along...
this hit me
With a BBQ at the folks tonight and with coleslaw to prepare, sitting on the sofa in my trackies with Mary-Jane probably wasn't the best idea I've had in a while.. surreal