Now in the streets there is violence
an-na-na lots of work to be done.
No place to hang all our washing and then I can't blame it all on the sun.
Oh no
we're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher.
we're gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher.
yeah destruction !!! yeah !! yeah!!
bahh i am moving away from this forsaken place

any ideas


at least the day sounds better
Where you moving too? Bring yr funky self over to p.cola!
I'm going to foley tomorrow (tuesday), so hopefully youll be working and I get to see you.
going to go look for the army of darkness comic tommrow and some of the new star wars toys

gots me excited .................

AND going to see fantasy at the Party store

then off to boring ass work

i hate movie customers from the south
we are creating a shrine to lady luck

horrid day today phone was shut off due to some foolish clerk

also my father is angry with me .......and he isnt even in the states

i cant ever win

and hopeing to go to pcola soon to visit fantasy and check up on some toys

you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't
Muh poor sweetie.
Yeah, we need to rock the matching ink. woot woot!!!
My dumbass friend is back in town [the one with the kid I didnt want at my apt.] and he wants to take me to get some ink done. I think I might let him buy me that 'dork' tattoo. I found it in elfish and all that groovy shit. My little sister thinks its hilarious...But me and you know that I have to represent. *all hail HEL*
Well, I have to go get ready for work. I have to go dig out a clean tye-dye shirt. puke
I lerve yoo. love kiss ARRR!!!
i was watching some old ed wood films today .......and well they were bad but he did what he wanted to do

kinda inspired me

well i still cant get over that dream
I have seen the movie ED WOOD but never any of his work. I think should check his stuff out
kiss love I luvs you so much ceejae. love kiss
Have you seen the new Todd McFarlane figurines? I got one of Elizabeth Bathory, it's really beautiful. The rest of them [jack the ripper, atilla the hun, rasputin, etc.-it's supposed to be maniacs through the centurys or something] are really lame. The detail is fucking insane, it even has the Bathory family crest on it [i'm a uber goth nerd and wanted to get her portrait with the crest tattooed on me]!!
My eyes are itchy.
When you coming to p.cola fool??
ever have one of those dreams

well this one has me scared
or sad

the future can be scary
What exactly was it about? What made it so eerie? Do I get any hotter in a decade? Any thinner at least?
I'm so tired ceejae....
I heart you. love tongue kiss ARRR!!!
got a hair cut all i need now is a new job

called my favorite girl yesterday and found out that she was pissed at me

ohh its like russian rolette with a automatic you cant win in this game
yeah i know what you mean chiefie biggrin
Hmmm? Whatcha mean hmmm?? I'll beat you! It's cute hunny. I got lots of compliments on it tonite. "Wow! So many people look ugly with those, but you look cute!". So, everyone could be lying, or i'm just that rad and rockin the cuteness. I bet everybodys just lying tho. *le sigh*
i grow weary of relationships

i am a fool when it comes to the ladies
not knowing what to do when to do it how to keep it lasting more than a few weeks

bahh i am just bitter

and i am at my mothers washing clothes
how sad is that
*does a hip hop dance*
Thanks for the pic, sucka! I need to get a new one so I dont have that icky one up. *le sigh*
I sleep now.
Tonight I'll shave the mountain
I'll cut the hearts from pharoahs
I pull the road off of the rise
tear the memories from my eyes
and in the morning I'll be gone
I drink 1000 shipwrecks
tonight I'll steal your paychecks
I paint the sheets across my bed
the birds will all fly from my head
and in the morning I'll be gone
take every...
Read More
yeah that's nice. the song i know about poor ole tom is nothing like that!! biggrin
pam grier love
the six million dollor loser rides again
Eating a hot pocket.
Thinking about life.
Wishing I was stoned out of my mind.
How is yr diet of kung-fu going? I think it would be so sexy if I knew how to use samurai swords. Like O-Ren in Kill Bill...How she has the 2 swords and that cheesy music is playing. *cream*
I'm trying to convince my friend Jean [remember that little redhead that I had my b.day kegger with last year? Thats my Jean] to be an SG. She is the cutest fucking chick in the world and I think that everybody should be able to see her tits.
Anyway tho.-Life is going really wierd right now. All that shit with Jeff...the money he took from me. the skinny puppy/atlanta fiasco. not doing shit for my birthday. etc. blew up and I couldnt take it anymore. So, I left and stayed with my friend Keith. I knew that was a bad idea because Keith is 'in love' with me and expected me to move in with him. He painted his extra bedroom magenta with black trim for me and bought all this stuff for me and basically went all out to make me happy. Thats sweet...but kind of wierd. Walking away from a 5 year relationship and an hour later going into a new one wasnt really what I had planned. The first nite was alright, but going to work on friday morning I felt like my heart was breaking into pieces. I missed Jeff so bad! I tried to call Jeff [I dont know why. I didnt know what i would say...I know that we wouldnt get along. I just wanted to hear his voice] but he never answered. So all day long i was going through torture. After work I went back to Keiths and he had picked up his 3 year old son...And that wasnt cool with me at all. Drake [his son] is a wonderful, sweet, funny little boy, but, I dont want to deal with the family life bullshit if its not my family. He got his ex-wife pregnant when he was 17 [and they got married at that age too] and they literally just got divorced [on my bday to be exact] and he's had to deal with that...Well, I didnt make that choice in life. If i wanted a 3 year old around i would have popped a fucking kid out 3 years ago. I'm just babbling now...Anyway, i wasnt happy at all at Keiths house. So on saturday I asked to leave work a little early [knowing that keith and his son had gone to wal-mart and wouldnt be back for about an hour] and hauled
ass to his house and snagged all my shit from out of there. [It wasnt a lot of stuff-just some clothes and make-up]. I went back to my apartment and just walked in like nothing had ever happened. So, all weekend I've been boozing and trying to fill up my time so i dont feel guilty for fucking so many people over. Why do I have to be such a greedy, selfish, awful girl?
Lets run away together....I have some rum and an island. All I need is a hammock.
onward and upward tonto!!! tongue