What the hell am I doing up at 3.32 am?

Color me underwhelmed.

After 11 years of having the movie The Boondock Saints recommended to me I finally saw it. It was entertaining and fun, but I didn't think of it as amazing.

This ship is sailing into some rough waters again.

4 days and the party stops, unless I can pull off my first...
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What the fuck did you expect? You can't let anything build up for 11 years and expect it to be the most amazing thing in the world. Wanna know what I had heard about Boondock when I first watched it? Nothing, and it was good. So stop being a hater and start jizzing in your pants over this movie like a real man.
Gee, now you're making me want to check it out. Maybe I can pull it up on netflix. At least I haven't been subjected to 11 years of hype.
Why, why am I in a meeting that sucks ass this morning? I shouldn't complain at all, it is phone conferenced and I'm laying in bed, but it is still deathly boring. An hour of my life ticking away.

I'm cranky, I want a damn fried egg and some toast.
Sounds like you need a paddle ball.
mmm fried egg and toast, i've been craving a fried egg sandwich lately...*drools*
Dear 2010, allow me to introduce myself. Your relative 2009 and I had some what of a falling out, okay lets be honest I hate her. Anyway, we're just getting started here and so far I'm liking you. Want to get drunk? Again? Okay baby, this one is on me.
Xo, Happy New Year.
2010 loves to drink the good stuff.
What a very strange experience life has been.

One of my favorite memories regarding this time of year is that in England when I was young James Bond movie marathons would happen during these last few weeks of the year, I moved to America and it started happening here too.

It is outrageously ironic that visions of an over the top archetype of masculinity that...
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Nice, man. Nice.


So today it is snowing!!!!

I am luckily working from home, but plan on venturing out for a bit with my camera at some point. I am looking forward to it. I am not looking forward to when I drive in it.

I slept terribly last night, waking up every 20 minutes in the midst of a dream that felt like being trapped in a...
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hate having dreams like that. Even if you wake up and start to have another dream it always comes back. How are yah liking it out there? Does the way people talk up there make you laugh? wink
Well, I'm feeling better today. Still I'm working from home for the morning day.

This morning something beautiful, there is snow.
Snow? Sounds beautiful.
You have far too much facial hair (and back hair, chest hair, leg hair...) to be a lesbian. Not even Sarah can make that disappear.tongue
Glad you had a smooth trip and you don't hate it!

And yes, ewww.
Today I drove across the Golden Gate bridge for the last time as a resident of California.

My first visit to California I was five and I was hugely disappointed at the Golden Gate bridge. I honestly had thought that it would be made out of gold; at the very least be painted gold, and not be the rusty red color that it is.

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I make mistakes, hell everyone makes mistakes. But there is a huge difference between making mistakes and intentionally saying something racially motivated.

i personally have no use for Glenn Beck. I watched his show once, outside of seeing Youtube clips here, i have never watched it again. Ignorance should hurt.
That was a good dinner my Friend. I got you this.

My last Friday in California for a long time. It feels weird. I've been living in this state for 20 years. From 14 till now.

I do love it here in some ways, and dislike it intensely in others. Regardless it has been a good home.

Now I'm off to make a new home, for who knows how long? It is as good a place...
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Ah. Just checked my non-work safe internets. Sorry for the late vm. Hopefully see you tomorrow eve.
Good music where you're going?
Well, this is going to be a fantastic trip.
2000 miles!!!! In an RX8, ha.

Place to live is not sorted yet, I really hope I don't have to live out of my car for a bit. Not that I can't do that, but my car isn't really made to live out of. (Yes, this really was a request for a couch if the worst...
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Then this is all good news!
Ping me when you are settled via PM.
I will keep a look out for significant improvements to the BB mobile buying experience.
This is good news

When I ordered life at the bar, I think I must have already been drunk, because it looks like I asked for it shaken not stirred.

20 days.

The problem with having a Beowulf moment is, it never ends well.

An Old Warrior is teaching his grandson about life.
"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil. He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self- pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority,lies, false, pride, superiority...
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Ha! I was unaware you're the measure. Good work on my part. wink