I was wondering what I should do on this Saturday night. I was thinking I should go out and be social, maybe even talk to a girl, but noooooooo. I went out bought some beer and now I'm playing last of us, I realized that I never beat it and this is the perfect opportunity! As long as I don't drink too much before I...
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You are too funny, but hermits are pretty awesome. Last saturday I went out and found out doing a face plant in the parking lot of the club wasn't worth me leaving my house. Tonight I'm staying in watching movies and smoking myself retarded. Tomorrow won't be a lost day since I won't be hungover I can go do something adventurous lol. Enjoy your night in blush
I think the days of going out all night and working at 6am are over for me. I feel like total shit today, possibly still drunk and starting to get hung over. This is no bueno! I remember when this would have no effect on me whatsoever, and I do not remember feeling like this. It is possible that I just block all these terrible...
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been there, done that - and I couldn't agree more!
I started working less than one year ago, I've always been a student before so I was used to party all night, all the nights. Well, at the very beginning I couldn't even think of quitting hanging around with friends at night, but I've discovered I can't deal with the day afterblackeyed
I just learned from a pro at my job, there is this stuff called galvasol. It is a tablet you chew and take with water, I think this is the miracle hang over cure!
Holy moly this piece is taking longer than expected, made another appointment for December 27th to get the rest filled in. I'm just really anxious to get it all done, it would have been nice to get it al done in one sitting. Now if I can only figure out how to post pictures on this thing...
Going in for my second session today, I can't wait to finish the pin up. Thank you Tim Harris for doing a great job!
I went to see the conjuring last night and I enjoyed it, any movie that makes me turn on the light before heading into my room did its job. I never knew the warrens lived in Monroe ct, in fact they still do tours of cemeteries.
shocked thanks god I didn't go to see it!
While at the zoo I had a thought, What do they do with all the animals who thrive in warm desert climates in the winter time? Are they kept inside all winter? That would be really mean if thats the case. I am guessing they have to adapt to the current environment which sucks for them. It was also depressing to see how small their...
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I always pick my scabs, but I can't pick these ones without totally fucking up the color. This is killing me! It's worse than actually getting the tattoo itself, lol. It doesn't help that I am super bored at work today.
Got my new wu tang tank, and my Chad suicide print! Today was a pretty awesome day, other than my dog taking a huge crap in the house.
Heading to the Philadelphia on saturday, I am pretty pumped about that deal. I haven't been to a zoo since I was a kid. What are some dos and don't in the Philly area?ooo aaa
My tattoo itches like a bastard tonight, it is really tough not to scratch the crap out of it...ugh...ARRR!!!
I know the feeling -_-'
I have been talking to this girl on and off for about seven months, mostly on. She has been talking about moving in and is starting to pressure me, I really don't know how I should feel about this. I feel like it's too soon but that could just be me starting to feel like I'm losing my freedom. It's not about me trying to...
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I should proof read this shit before I post it...
all you single parents out there, I do not envy you. It is a super tough job. I had my niece and nephew for a day and it is insane how much you have to do! Going to the store was a terrible idea! I love these kids and they all live with me, but taking them solo is rough.
My cousins came to visit with their four kids (all 5 and under). Holy crap. I don't even know how they manage to work full time and raise kids in a 2 parent home, let alone a single parent home. It was chaos 24/7.