Holy shit update!

Stormy has a SUPER hot video talking about how being a SG rocks.. or doesn't, I was mesmorized by her breasts and wasn't listening.

I got some vermouth, made a martini and am a little tipsy. I really like drinking, and it seems I have been recruited by my friend's sister to be her drinking buddy. I'm not exactly what that entails,...
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Porn Star Party Pictures

Here is a link to the sexy sexy pornstar party. Sadly I was far too drunk to get some better pictures. Check out Highonrez.tk Pics for some sexier ones.

Wow, it's Tuesday already... how time flies.
Woman is a danger cat.

Happy April Fools.
hahahaha not that you're a dork or anything whatever but i just saw that you answered my Konfabulator question in your own journal. here i was thinking you were just being snotty and choosing to answer me in the mac group instead of in my journal.

there seems to be an influx of answering in one's own journal lately.

soo...belated, but--thanks!
I forgot how good Coheed and Cambria 1st album is.

I mean it really is great.

Try and listen to it. ooo aaa
I would if my piddly town didn't suck and my computer had something better than 56K. I miss new music. frown
I love the Coheed.
Look at my new picture!!!

I finally found the scarf that my best friend Stephy made for me, now it is in my Suicide girls profile. Hurrah for everyone.

I've decided to keep updating this thing, since it makes me happy when people post comments for me to read. Thanks everyone! ARRR!!!
Watch me do a jig.

Friday, I drank a lot of Rum, then dig a pirate jig for all to enjoy.

Also, I love Burt Bacharach and I lost my keys.

What a stupid weekend.
From Willy Wonka, but I think Aphex Twin rocks... what song is it from????
Looks like the founders of your town were also pioneers of identity theft. The bastards! tongue

Kinda bored.

Work, shcool, work, school, repeat!

If I wasn't so taxed with all that Jazz, I know for sure I'd update my profile more often.

However, for now I will just look at the pictures of pretty girls.
um, so you have my heart...and I want it back, please?
I would like R Stevens of the Diesel Sweeties fame an honourary Suicide Girl for a day! He draws very nice pictures.Diesel Sweeties!!!!!
I may be interested, I'll let you know.
Interested in what?
Bleh, I'm not much for updating 2 different journals,
so check out
http://www.lifebystereo.com for some actual updates on my life.