I just saw Hairspary and it was amazinggggg!!!
And now I'm at my favorite bar with my favorite people.
Good times.

i saw it too this past weekend and cannot believe how funny john travolta was. pretty good!!! smile
This is the final countdown!!! ::hums Europe obnoxiously::

So I have a final paper due in in two, cout 'em, two days.
Work cited is due in two and a half hours.
At least I have the work cited.
I smell two all nighters in a row!
Sadly, working on this paper has been severly cutting into my HP time.

I'm finally getting the hang...
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I am technologicly unadvanced. I am testing out posting journals from my
SideKick. =\

I'm I.M.ing my best friend who is in the same rooom as me. That's how we roll. I have a sun scortched boy next to me pealing off the flesh on his stomach. And we're all watching Scrubs.

This is my friends' method of dealing with relationships that ended badly:
Exgirlfriend of friend number one and exboyfriend of friend number two were in a terrible...
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.............. wow............. just......... wow........... even I dont know what to think about all that... er, best of luck to them... I guess... I hope one day they can over come all that, if not, that isnt the best life to be trying to live, but I honestly cant say Id know what to do if I was ever in that situation. So sorry about all that =( Hope things get better
I'm almost done with some sweet ink designs.
I'm quite stoked about having stuff on my body for the rest of my life.
Welcome to SGFL, where we are the coolest group of people you will ever meet. Now I know this is veeeeeery last minute.. but since you live in the Sarasota area, like our friendJoLeigh, we are heading out there tonight to hang out with her at some bar called.... Past time Pub I believe, its an even they have there every Tues. Me and TheDom try and make it out there as much as possible, if you care to meet a small group of us SGFL peeps already, just come on out, shouldnt be too hard to find us, we usually stand out =)
heheh, looks like my accomplice had the same idea I did... but he got to the point quicker.. the bastard...
I finally had a shorter bar put in my tongue. I've been so stoked about the idea of being able to comfortably eat all week. So, once it hapened I went out to lunch and ate real food. Amazing. I'm watching Very Bad Things now. I love movies about killing hookers. Speaking of killing hookers, I need to get my Harry Potter tickets. puke
I went to the beach for the fourth. However, I live in Sarasota. So, I would like to meet someone here who didn't, lol. I am radiating heat, I am so badly burnt. I'm gooping on aftersun lotion like it's going out of fashion. I'm tempted to go out tomarrow and buy a little aloe plant if this doesn't help. But on the bright side,...
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I love throwing a good party.

So... not that I'm opposed to getting random friend requests from cute girls, but do I know you or something?
I have decided I want to do some heavy traveling. Three of my best friends have just got back from far off, exotic places. One came back from Poland, and another from Tanzania. (They were doing mission work, which I don't care to do. However, they have amazing stories.) Another just came back from New Jersey. (Not that glamorous, but she also was in New...
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Hey there JacquelineJoy. I'm currently enjoying an exotic vacation in Kansas! LOL

I know you are jealous!!!
I'll fight Martha Stewart.
Swollen like a mother fucker = my tongue.
I actually got to sleep, so I couldn't ice it or washit out for the past four and a half hours.
This is lame.

And there is some baby fly zooming about my room.
He's a loud little twat, too.
He will die soon.
Good job on the sleepin, budy. I actually passed out for a few hours last night, from shear exhaustion alone.
I was on extra thin mashed potatoes for a week when I had mine done.