We evolved into the near-hairless primates that we are today without wings, but we fly. We left the oceans long ago, and now savor every breath of air in mammalian lungs, but we have machines that can keep us submersed for months or years. We adapted to a natural diet of animal proteins and vegetables, but we created artificial sweeteners and preservatives that can keep...
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I had some time to kill over a long holiday weekend not too long ago. Being a day-trip away from upstate New York, I decided I would follow up on a discovery made by my uncle while mapping out the family tree. My great- great-grandmother had been an Iroquois healer, a 6 1 behemoth of a woman that married a white man from Europe. She...
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Now THAT is some funny shit. I have found myself trying to get a drink around the foot I jammed firmly in my mouth many, many times.
Good blogging love. smile