Dear Diary,
Friday is going down as one of the best days of my life.

I fucked on the catwalk

yep, that's right.
I was working on a paper and this girl that I am currently crazy mad about comes to visit me. She has an hour and a half to kill between classes.
"I knew you'd be here"
"Easy guess, love. I never leave."...
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Yes, Ladies en Gentlemen, everything you heard is true. There a genuine bonified one hundred percent authenterrific, hautin apparition here amongst us the good folk of Austin College. Thats right a ghost. His name is Mortimer and he lives in the basement of the Ida Green Theatre. Well, for all of ye I see that are clearly out of touch with your history, let...
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hey all,
Just submitted this to a local litmag for publication.
thought I'd throw it up for kicks.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Cast Tomsy:
Tomsy A poet
Addison A playwright
Setting: A student accommodation flat near city centre, Cork City.

Two men sit on a couch with nothing to do. They decide to write a play.
ADDISON: I once wrote a play about nothing. That...
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just to keep this blog abreast with my work.
here are some excerpts from my article

for all of those like me who are way to lazy to read the details my original abstract reads thus: blah blah blah academic jargon bullshit bullshit feminist film theory blah blah fuck laura mulvey yadda yadda yadda. yeah... that got changed)

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

The structure and...
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HOk, last night in my room huddled around the glowing warmth of the space heater with a lady friend of mine, I came up with some wonderful new words.
Libitomized - lobotomize, but specifically for one's libito
trichotomy - like dichotomy, but for those of us that are of more than two personalities. I had to use it in a paper that is due in...
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Someone has to do it.
baby it's cold outside... well sort of.
It is at the least fairly blustery. Covered in layers of blankets in my bedroom alcove, the alarm rings incessantly. It reminds me every five minutes to get the fuck up and face the inevitable shock and shrinkage from the cold hardwood floor. Aaron's alarm is ringing too now and I give up.
I can't find my favorite...
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yep stole it from judge judy!

(I love her)
Just cleaned up after my production of Pillowman. sads and freaking out as my followup work is due wednesday!
In the meantime i gotta find me a one act for my next slot and get rehearsals up on its feet for Seven Jewish Children, while remaining strong to avoid dealing with 'chic drama'. eghhh....
and when the fuck am I supposed to do this...
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I'm sitting here working on play analysis and shittin peach seeds because my professor is coming to evaluate my rehearsal for Pillowman tonight. fuck me.
On the upside My picture was in the local paper today "Addison xxxxxxxx" regales audience with his slam poem about slam poetry. Receives perfect 10's" Heh, after that reading I was approached by a woman from Mensa who invited me...
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drat nuggets.
Addison is working on three projects for class AT THE SAME TIME.
SG boards media consumption
and watching We are Wizards for the same class (a documentary about Harry Potter based bands)
Finalizing my analysis for Directing
All while I am at lunch discussing MTG with a fraternity brother for the fan journal.
Pavlov's daughter by regina specktor and yoyo ma's concerto in...
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For some reason I read that as Regina Spektor and Yoyo Ma playing over one another. It might be interesting.

I haven't found any of the HP bands to be all that magical. (Sorry, I had to go for the bad pun) Are any of them any good from what you've seen on the documentary?
Hamlet, Get thee to a punnery (mmm...layers of pun cake).
just finished the film on Hulu.
Most of them are really teen angsty kinda stuff, but there are these really great kids; two brothers 4 and 11 years old that started their own band called The Hungarian Horntails and they play what they call "Dragon Rock". These two crack me the fuck up. It's worth watching just for them.
Just got back from a wedding in Dallas last night. All kinds of crazy craic was had.
The bride was my mother's boyfriend's daughter who's mother died six year ago and a great deal of her family and friends were, obviously, in attendance. Awkwardness ensued at the rehearsal dinner. Luckily by the time the wedding came around everyone was not but smiles and tears.
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I am a senior Theatre/Writing student. Last semester I did a research project on SG for a visual arts class (a reevaluation of Laura Mulvey's concept of male gaze as it applies to a new form of visual culture as it is increasingly controlled by women, if you must know). Right now I am currently reviving my work for my media consumption class. This involves...
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Hi there, welcome to SG, I'm Pezza, I am still fairly new here and in my first month on the site.
I noticed that your hometown is both Cork and Dallas, do you travel between US and Ireland much ?

I have never been to either place, but my great grandpa was from Ireland and I have been to the US a couple times now, good times!

cheers mate ...