Dear internet,

I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was swell.

Dear internet,

Today I added things to the remix albums. I think that might be my favorite feature on the site. Although the groups are pretty sweet too. And the interviews. But the remix albums don't require reading and they have pretty colors. I think that might make me simple-minded. It was all done for testing purposes (and yay, bug fixed) but it was fun....
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hi !!!!
Hopefully this will be our final communication for the day, internet. The blog appears fixed now. That is, assuming this works. Cross your fingers, internet, because I'd like to move on to a new one.
Hello again, internet. This is twice in one day we've communicated. I still have nothing to say though. Still bug fixing. Testing the blogs again.
Hello out there, internet. I don't really have anything to blog about, but I needed a blog on my page in order to fix some blog bugs. So really that's all this is. I hope you don't feel cheated by my non-blog. I wonder how many times I can work the word 'blog' into this post. Lots so far.

I can add even more instances...
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