Kicked in the teeth by yet another woman. I don't know why I bother.

I need to get drunk. Unfortunately I still can't drink.

Went to the doctor today. Well, at least there is some good news, it probably isn't an ulcer, more than likely it's something less serious. He gave me a superscription, basically a nuclear strength acid reducer, and he want's to see me next week to see how I'm responding to the meds. I had blood taken, peed in a cup, the usual stuff. When I...
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Miscellaneous Geekery

I've been working on painting up some of my Warhammer models. i have one regiment of goblin spearmen and a troll done, all from the Warhammer box set. I was originaly going to build a Tomb King army, but since I got the box set I got sidetracked into an orc and goblin army. Besides what the box set came with, I've also...
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I'm Fucked, part 3 - Not so much now.

In an event uncharacteristic of my life, the crisis has been averted. I got a metal detector last night and I was going to go out this morning and look for the store keys. My brother being the goon that he is took the detector out first. I just finished getting dressed to go out and...
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I'm fucked, part two.

I tore the house apart for a couple of hours looking for the store keys this morning with no luck at all. I went in to work about 10 this morning and the assistant manager and I looked around the store and checked the parking lot with no luck at all.. The store manager came in at 11 and after making...
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Well, I'm fucked. I got in my car to go to work this morning when I noticed my keys didn't look right. That's because the store keys were gone. You know, the keys to the store, the keys that are worth about $2 million dollars? I had them when I left work. I called in today and I'm tearing the house apart to find them....
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Today has sucked hard. I had to miss another day from work. I left early to get gas, I was on my way when the electrical system in my car failed. The power steering went out and the battery light came on. I pulled over and thought Id wait a bit for a cop to go by since it was cold, raining and the idea...
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Well, my job might be safe, at least for the moment anyway. I was talking to the assistant manager today. There was a district wide meeting yesterday with all of the store managers and our district manager. He told me our store manager asked our district manager about me and he said that he hadnt heard anything from his bosses and as far as he...
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Well, my job might be safe, at least for the moment anyway. I was talking to the assistant manager today. There was a district wide meeting yesterday with all of the store managers and our district manager. He told me our store manager asked our district manager about me and he said that he hadnt heard anything from his bosses and as far as he...
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Im going back to school. I had to drop out about six years ago because of serious back problems. I couldnt stand for more than a few minutes and when youre taking cooking classes and having to stand in front of a stove for three hours at a time, thats a problem. Im starting in the fall, which will give me time to get my...
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And now more drama. The short version is a friend of mine who has been in a relationship for the past few years with a total sleaze bag, everyone has been telling her to dump his ass. Well, she got pregnant and just had the baby a couple of months ago and of course hes been a total shit bag. Well apparently he dumped her...
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