If any of yall are Downtown Chicago this afternoon, you should swing past Snow Days at Grant Park. there is alot of stuff going on there and should be fun. I am helping out the Green Valley Dog Drivers, a group who do sled races for fun. there MAY be sled demos, im not sure....they said they are making snow...but well see. SO, if you...
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Its that time of year again. Valentines day is my second favorite day of the year behind Christmas. and to get everyone in that lovey dovey mood, i got some songs for you that go good for the day, and any day really...they just mean more now i guess.

and lastly...prepare yourselves...this one is pretty steamy...

I hope you enjoy them. let me know what...
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Excellent choices! I love Valentine's day! smile
So, i heard this song....and i found A video for it. funny as shit, but its a little raunchy. if thats your thing, ENJOY!

Hello all in SG land. i was chillin last night jammin to some songs and i got to thinking. thinking about when life was simple. when we didnt have a care in the world except who we were gunna hang out with after school. the 90's were a great time for me....and the music was awesome. So the word of the day for this saturday...
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So im jammin through my itunes....and i come across this, and wondered is there a song that makes you feel so...so....so? i dont know how to explain it, just...perfect. You tell me.

Please forgive me
If I act alittle strange
For I know not what I do.
Feels like lightning running through my veins
Everytime I look at you
Everytime I look at you

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There IS a reason why its song #1...i saw him before he released white ladder up at Alpine Valley, when he opened for Dave Matthews. i didnt realize who it was til the cd came out and i was like WOAH! no shit...haha
ITS FRIDAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! its going to be a great weekend. i can feel it already. doin my Husky thing on saturday, and family stuff on sunday. Chillin Friday...doesnt get better than that. so to put you in the Friday Spirit, i gots music vids for yall.

Happy Weekending!

something off the wall is in order here..


be good my friends!
So...what a blah day so far. its WAY to cold out. i showed up 5 minutes late to work and they sent me home right away. when i went to start my car it was -2 outside...thats right -2. so it took longer to warm my car up. ON TOP of the fact that i work at 4 am, you'd think they would cut us...
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i thought id leave some videos in honor of hump day. Enjoy!

and what Hump day would be complete without.....

Have a great rest of your wednesday, and here's to a fast thursday.

Here are some videos for Ya'll!

And some of the songs im digging right now...

unfortunalty...this is just audio.

and lastly...my idols on guitar....i wish i could play half as good as they do....

Hello SG world, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Humpty, pronounced with a....oh wait, thats not me...hmm. Well, my name is Daniel and i Volunteer for a Sieberian Husky Rescue based in the western burbs of Chicago. We have a few events coming up in the next 2 weeks, and it would be killer if you could come out and have some fun...
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