Okay, alot has been going on this week.

Monday: Took the technician minicourse for a job at the phone company. Was slightly complicated. Being as I havent had a test since 98. It was a multiple choice bubble test. SO, to make al ong story short. I passed and had to fill out the application. They wanted back 10 years. To when I was 15....
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Yeah Warehouse work is the worst, go back to school....
How was Alexander anyhow, any good(from what you could tell through all the talking)?
HAHAHAHA, I cannot believe this.....

So, I have been unemployed for nearly 10 months, and, heheh, get this...capital one decides to INCREASe my credit limit by a thousand! IN FUCKING CREASE!!!!

WTF is wrong with the world? When I had a steady job I couldnt gte a card with more then a 300 limit. And for some odd reason, I qualified for another card with...
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probably because of the christmas season
Because credit card companies are evil bastards and they want to rape you with the interest rate. They don't know that you are unemployed. You have obviously been making your payments and on time. *shrug*

Go shopping.
I need money for thursday....lets see who I can beg....
For what do I need money you ask? well 2 things. There is a signing for the new Xplay book. Both Adam sessler and Morgan Webb are going to be in NYC thursday afternoon. Later on that day, Willaim Gibson is going to be on a panel at the 92nd street Y. Now, if I...
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You could sell your body to lonely housewives looking for a little adventure... Umm or you could sell plasma but they don't give you that much anymore.... Maybe take up exotic dancing. Yes I can see it now.... wink
I seriously hate reality.

I hate more the fact that I refuse to grow up.

I Hate EVEN MORE the fact that reality is forcing me to grow up.

And I will never turn into my father.

I had to miss SKinny Puppy last night. I did the responsible thing and not spend the last of my money on a concert.

SEl/kcmt nfc m/c;lewy5nfdocsr6txlkngfczjsekjlrd cw5xut.mnfda...
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That's a really good picture smile
Being a grown does really suck. But you don't have to be a grown up all the time. I am sorry that you had to miss Skinny Puppy. I didn't go either because I couldn't afford it. Maybe next time. I am planning on going to see Ministry. I need to get out and have a good time. Maybe I should come up and take you out!! You need to blow off some steam.
Everything that you are feeling I totally understand. I will be 30 soon and I feel like I have nothing figured out. But what I am learning is that whatever decisions you make nothing is ever final. The door that you opened just leads to more doors and more questions. Life is a quest. Focus on being the best you, you can be and the relationships that you build. That to me is what it is really all about. love
I need a job. Badly.

Sometimes I am an ass.

I wake up each morning and feal lonely.

I need money so I can start eating out again.

I have decided I am going to Japan when I am 27. I have 2 years to start saving.
Poor baby. I have a job but I hate it and it is nowhere near what I need out of life. I feel lonely every minute of the day so I hear you there. As for money... well I need money to shop but I am a girl so you know... I can only own so many pairs of boots and bondage pants and stupid shit like that. But it's a vice. I will listen to you bitch!! Promise. *hugs* smile
What can I say I tries me best. Hope today was a better day. Good luck on the Japan thing. I heard that it is really awesome there. You can after all get panties out of a vending machine. What more could a girl or a perv ask for?

btw: damn you are smokin' *giggles and runs away*
I am suffering from full on ADHD mode right now. I realized this the other night when I coudlnt sit down to either read a book or whatch a DVD. And I kept on changing the channel on the TV for like an hour. I could not focus long enough to do anything. This is what happens when you go off prozac for too long....
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How are you liking tribe 5??
The tired, passionless rage at your own impotence.

I see what I have become, and I dislike it.

Yet what I have become doesnt really care as long as he is comfortable.

I have no taste for the effort it will take to change. I prefer things to be sudden and drastic.

Then again, I havent really changed since HS. I am still the same....
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it was radtastic meeting you yesterday kiss
How was Drogancon?? Did you meet the tribe cast there??
Last night I had a dream. I met this beautiful women, I even had a perfect name for her. Although I did forget it while I was dreaming, Even the memory of her face was obscured. But I do remember certian things.
She had brown hair and eyes. Soft features. I would say in her late teens early 20's. Her body was perfect, The prefect...
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Harsh... keep trying man! I dream of a real woman who I can never have. Maybe this ghost of yours is out there. Sometimes I dream of things that come true... So there's a chance if you keep dreaming eventually you'll see her face, then you're one step closer to finding her. The accent's a clue too. I think she's real SOMEWHERE, you have have to keep looking (and dreaming)...
Fans of the Cruxshadows Unite!!!

A New Group has been formed to show our appreciation for the group, and to discuss and debate everything there is about them. Come join me in the love and getting this New Group off the ground:

cost for a failed car inspection $37.00

Cost for replacing muffler and some other pipe: $192.00

Cost for replacing borken tire rod: $ 59.00

Your cute little Kitten nudging your arm to get attention while you are typing this: PRICLESS
So you're the owner of the Ugly Ones group! Nice to meet you. And might I say, you don't appear to be very ugly either. wink
one month and a half to Tribe season 5 biggrin
So, I drove all the way into manhatten. I go to were the club is, and low and behold, it isnt there. WTF? I am thinking I must have gotten the address wrong. So I call up my bro and have him check the address on the computer. And, nope, I was at the right place, they just werent there. The club was all closed...
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