School's still going, starting to get pretty busy. All in all life is good, it would be nice not to be broke, but hey, money ain't everything. I am having a slight moral dilemma at the moment. I have a girlfriend, who is awesome and i love very much. We have been together for 2 and a half years now. But there's also this new...
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Now two weeks into school and things are going well. It's a little weird having homework again after a few years but things are alright so far. The program is fun and there's a bunch of cool people in it. Looks like everything's coming up Milhouse!!

Haven't Been on this site in a long ass time. Toured Europe for a month this summer with my girlfriend, it was amazing. I want to go back again as soon as possible. Now I'm going back to school for the first time in 2 years. Moving up to Oshawa on Saturday and starting classes Wednesday. Going into Music Business at Durham so it should...
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Need to find a new job, mine is a piece of shit. Other than that life is great. Cheers
Going to see Moneen at the mod club tonight, should be fun, it kinda sucks that the girlfriend has to miss it due to work but we're hanging out when she gets off. WEEEEEEEEE
Okay so being sober sucked, glad its over, time to test new theory, i call it moderation, so far its worked better than getting entirely shit faced or being entirely sober. i slightly drunk me is a happy me and happy me means happy everything.!!!!
So, just finished my second week as a sober gent. Recently decided to give up the sauce (There was some unpleasantness, almost lost my girlfriend, not fun stuff). So far its going okay but there are some times when i feel I could really use a drink, and hanging out with my friends while they drink is a little less fun now. Oh well, life...
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Fuck, Rain all day, my one day off this week. Looks like its videogames all day for me, wooooo!
I need a new job, minimum wage fucking sucks ass. Im so bored, what happened to all the fun shit I used to do? Did I get boring? Whatever, fuck it.
thats the spirit! haa.
Holy Shit 3 days off in a row starting now. TIME FOR FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!