Arguing evolution with the religious is an exercise in patience. Not moment-to-moment, 'conversational' patience, but the kind of patience it would require to teach rocks how to video-blog on youtube. Long term patience. Patience on the scale of geological time, maybe? Ironic. There is something both ridiculous and pathetic about clinging to a worldview that is routinely refuted by accident, by fucking chain gangs building...
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Quitting smoking (using the gum), nothing since Monday. Fits of rage.

Going to see Live at the casino on Saturday - from the price of the tickets you'd think that everything after Throwing Copper was good. Still looking forward to it though.

Dentist today, just a cleaning.
Nothing like writing a great song that turns out to be another song already. It would have been really good too, as evidenced by how well it turned out when Silverchair did it the first time around.


Ahh I've done that before - frustrating, innit?

I recently read "Your Brain on Music" by Daniel J. Levitin and it inspired me to start thinking about going back to school. I've always wanted to get a real scientific education, so I did some research online over the past weekend and discovered that UBC and SFU offer a 'Cognitive Sciences' program that encompasses Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics and Computer Science. The potential to apply...
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Bought a 42" plasma TV last night at Best Buy... Failed to find out in all my net research that plasmas can't be tilted to lay flat, say like for transportation in my Mazda. We ended up having to call a taxi and request a van to get the thing home. Took a little longer than expected, but everything worked out huge and HD in...
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Back to Terrace today, with my head/throat thing that hasn't gone away since December. Fuck.

Our kitchen is almost back to normal after the flood, and if all goes well I should see new Rustic Maple laminate and Monet Moonrise green in the kitchen when I get back.

Bought a Soldano HR50+ head about a week ago, super fuckin sexy. Hands down the best head...
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I miss living in BC so much. Good luck with your kitchen... I'm about to embark on remodelling a bathroom myself.
Thanks. I couldn't even begin to think about doing a bathroom right now, good luck with that too.
Terrace, and particularly the run down crackhead apartment we went there to fix up (and stay in) suck.
i am bored.

i am smoking, listening to radiohead, drinking stella.

i am bored.