as i listen to the cure and become overwhelmed by thoughts and ideas not so pretty and so austere it is dreadful to not sit awhile in the maginificant beauty of them.....

i can't restrain myself, can't keep the past locked up and now that i have i forgot who i was and what i'm suppossed to be doing in tis world. the winter night...
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Were I certain it were a hundred percent fiction I would indeed enjoy it a great deal. As a silly civilian, I imagined your return to the undisciplined life would be a walking on air kind of existence. Clearly snow instead of sand and sneakers instead of boots does not clear the demons from your mind. As for being broke, many a man walked the country in the 60's living for the moment and discovering themselves. And shit. As for the medications both legal and lethal, I am not familiar, but might I suggest substantial amounts Rolling Rock Beer and white chocolate when the voices cry out. Please don't take this as frivilous advice, it's just I skipped far too many classes in college to provide any pearls of wisdom. And the little that I do posess, have long since lost their luster. In regards to the music, The Cure merely reflect the melancholy while The Smiths grab ahold and embrace the condition, so make that change immediately. With all this being said, a logical first step might be to vacate a state engulfed in total winter darkness and take a drive down the California coast. It might not silent the voices but it will make them say " wow, I think that was Danny Bonaduce on roller blades ". wink

Hope things look brighter soon young buck. If not, I might have to return. eeek shocked ARRR!!!
so an experiment failed just should have kept the rant pure. but i guess it didn't sound as bad as i had thought so...ah well.

so i saw pan's labrynth the other day and was memorized by it's beauty. a great retelling of a myth and a connection to war.

started watching far from heaven last night. talk about creepiness. the whole acting and set...
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I loved that movie! it was really beautiful.
hey what's up all??? i got to say this is one of the creepiest letters i have gotten in a long time. this person sent me this letter a few days ago. i thought i'd share it with you. i like to receive messages no matter how strange. it just goes to show you it takes all kinds. well peace and enjoy sort of....,
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Sounds like someone trying too hard to be surreal. wink
frightening only begins to describe it
to tell the truth i don't know what's up with me. i'm taking shots in the dark at naming it. but man has it been a rollarcoaster, well maybe more like a cross country drive and sometimes you drive through the mountains. but i feel like i'm platueaing...if that's even a word. ha. maybe it was watching that bergman triology you know through a glass...
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in case it's too long here's a summary BLAH BLAH BLAH whatever
We can be friends again.

hi i'm crazy.

nice to meet you.


my beautiful beautiful beautiful computer has been hooked back up and out of storage. it's so nice to be able to choose from over 900 records. hahaha. and play'em LOUD. which i haven't done besides in a car for so long.

man this rocks.

ah i'm cycling through my mood smings right now so this manic high feels...
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don't be too worried about this good mood shit... it has been my experience it doesn't last too long and then the real fun starts when you crash letting your natural bitterness are sarcasm seep up from the depths below... tongue and then you cast out burns, slams and character assasinations much the way robin hood offered up loaves of bread and schillings to the waiting masses in the forest.... biggrin

and for the playem loud selection of the day might i suggest
" through these eyes " by the geniuses known as " social distortion " ooo aaa
biggrin biggrin biggrin
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh HA HA HA

i'm back from a month jaunt into a frozen hell, holed up in the night at a dacha in the southern part of missouri. so that was mostly my vacation as i ran away from the questions about iraq everyone was so eager to ask and prone to not realize the faux pas of asking me. so to insure the future...
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Writing was and is your thing, Chris.

I am doing okay, I try to survive and I ope you do too?

Be strong okay?
Glad you're back. Stay strong, as Doherty said. Moonlit lakes do the strangest things to people... there's something so primal about them. kiss
well for starters, i just got back to the u.s. and i'll tell more later when i get a second.

hope you all are doing fucking great,
Yeah I'm late to the party... glad you're out of there safe! xx
Thank you blush
the song of the day maybe of a few days as once again communication will become erratic and unsure.

so i guess i'll give a few...

i got to give it film school...you can say they sound like so many other great bands mixed together. bu t the soundscapes take you deep in the mystery and gigantic expectations of night possiblilities, melancholy contemplations driving on...
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What terror said - she's gorgeous.
Thanks for adding me as a friend bro.
right so forsome reason i have been able to get to this blog without problems and so i say hello to you all and wish i could read up more closely on how your doing. read the last blog, cause i'd still love to hear about your halloween adventures. if you don't want to share them with everybody you could always just send mea message...
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Sorry you missed halloween, it's not really a big thing here in Britain. Although I was dressed as a goth kitten for no real reason <shrug> it was fun.

Trip round Europe eh? For all my travelling, I need to explore my own continent more... Croatia is supposed to be fucking gorgeous though. I loved Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast in Italy, and Fontainebleau in France is amazing (more for climbing than anything else, but still).

Whatever you decide, it'll be awesome.
right so...i'm wired on thisi shit called rip it...there like those little cans of red bull shit and well i'm pulling a lot of guar duty lately. and i need to be awake and well ennui's a motder fuckar. and i've been craving other sorts of shit i can't have in this stupid fucking panzy uniform i'm wearing so it was sort of a good...
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well to tell u the truth halloween in spain is not a big thing but oh well i used to celebrated anyway haha
i remember one year some friends and i went to a halloween party so we dressed up : one was like blade runnner, other like the crow and the other like a skull ah and me like a witch but we were a bit dressed... well we had to hide the crow and the skull to catch a taxi that night haha... and when we arrived we were almost the ones dressed different... i think i saw two people like that... but we didnt care...we went to to a concert and we drank lots and guys called me witch and tried to steal my hat and thats all i didnt meet anyone special that night... ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
blasted slow-ass internet that almost never allows me to get to this sight! and so now i belated wish you all had awesome halloweens. i hope you had fun and a bit of adventure that found you unharmed in the light of morning.

i can't wait to have a halloween again. it's been four in a row i've missed. but next year it's gonna be...
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I'm still recovering...it was a beautiful Halloween! YOU BETTER NOT MISS THE NEXT ONE!
Hello! kiss
i need to write more often. i do appologize but the way things are right now: being here, shitty internet and lack of time well...i have my excuses.

i promise i'll be more on top of things when i get back to the states, especially when i take a month off and just chill about. i have come to realize i am a bit exhausted...
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well i hope you are well in iraq and sure your childhood memories should be remembered and cherished its what gets all through our rough nights and days. and in the thought of believing in the purities of magic i am with you we have to believe its like believing in happiness and true love,picturing your babies first smile walk these are the things that we should all look forward too and strive for....i also remember the days my siblings i laughed so hard we almost peed even glancing at them made me laugh.well thanks for the add and hope all is well in the land of war and violence.Thoughts are with you smile