Overdue blog. Sorry. Blah blah.

I've just been so tired from work. But anyway, good-ish news on the motivation front. And a big reason to be motivated. It has recently been confirmed that I'm going to Las Vegas in October (with the 'rents). Never been and I'm excited. I'm also sick of having all these vacation pics where I look like a fatty, so I'd...
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For privacy purposes, let’s call him “Trevor”. Anyway, this guy seemed nice enough to start out. He started on Monday and when I first saw him, he complimented me on my tattoos and just came off as an average guy. Didn’t really talk to him on Tuesday and then on Wednesday, that’s when shit got a little creepy. I was loading shirts on the press...
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Super super super super overdue update. Sorry.

I've been so busy and worn out from work, so I just kept procrastinating. Apologies.

Ok, so firstly, there hasn't really been any weight loss progress. In fact, I know I've put a bit of weight on. *sigh* -.- Can't say I dunno how it happened though. I know it's cuz I've been eating a lot of crap...
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Well, there's been a bit of a shake up at work this week.

Long story short, I'm gonna working 4pm-12am for the next couple weeks, at least. Obviously, there are pros and cons to this, but I'm gonna try to focus on the pros and make do as best I can. I figure this means I'll be able to hit up the gym 2-3 times...
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First week of work: Done!

Holy Jeez. Well, it's definitely a physical job. I wore my heart rate monitor for the rest of the week and the lowest reading I got all week after a 10 hour shift was like 1700+. So, that's definitely good. However, my back's been hurting more and I did some additional walking on Wed and Thu and my.. feet.. were.....
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Had my first day at my new job today.

It went pretty well, I think. The people seemed nice, I picked up on a bunch of stuff fairly quickly. My back's currently kinda sore, but that's the be expected. I figured the work would be more strenuous than my previous job, but I had no idea until the end of my shift. I wore my...
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News! News! Big, good news!

I know I already posted/mentioned this, but I got a new job! Woo! It's at a t-shirt printing company and I think it's gonna be very good for weight loss journey. I'm gonna be working a lot more and, from what I've heard, the job is gonna be a lot more physical than my last job. It's also about twice...
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Oh, I see. That can be a bit a time crunch. I know that with school I sometimes feel I have to cram certain things in a single day. 
Just wanted to say, one, LOVE the red hair. Two, you are gorgeous.

Looks like I've found a way to get a different type of exercise this spring/summer.

My dad was cleaning out the garage earlier today and pulled out my bike. I hadn't ridden a bike in years, but I figured I'd ride it to the gym and see if it's something I could get into again. And it definitely is. It seriously cut down on my...
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Old habits die so hard.

I've been trying to do better, but it's hard. I've definitely been eating how and what I used to; stuff that's really caused me to pack on the pounds. However, I dunno if I'm getting older, or if my body's trying to tell me that it's not putting up with this anymore. Last Tuesday, I ate a crapload of chocolate...
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