the best feeling!!!
Well the date thing I got so excited about in the last post went kaput last weekend as the girl he's been in love with for years - who has always rejected him - found out he'd got a date and then suddenly decided she wanted to go out with him now. I'm not mad at him as he's always been crazy about this girl,...
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that sucks sorry to hear that happened to you. I bet she said she would go out with him when she found out about the date because she always knew he would be there on the back burner if nothing better came along. Plus if he found someone he wouldn't be her back up plan anymore. I think he is stupid for not going out on a date with you, because you look great smile
Very happy panda right here biggrin

All the things that have been upsetting me of late seem to have come right smile

*Problem: I was really worried about my essay- the deadline's Wednesday and my illness has made me fall way behind...
Win: The head of department heard about my woes from my tutor and has granted me a 4 day extension biggrin

* Problem: Working on a...
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Hey guys! I hope you're well! smile

Not too much to report here: I'm getting by ok but it's just been a dull week - my days have been filled with work, studying, essaying, and an awful lot more procrastination wink

But it's not all bad! I've finally officially shed my breakup weight from my massive break up in 2010 - check it out: I haven't been...
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Congratulations, you must feel very pleased. A good opportunity to feel proud of yourself and stop the procrastination. There is a book called 59 Seconds by Prof. Richard Wiseman. He studied the psychology of procrastination and one technique that proved to be more effective than any other was to start a little of the task and your sub concious feels guilty about not completing it that it "badgers" (for want of a better word) your concious mind into completing it. - Have a look at the book its very good
That book helped me to knock out a 77 page, 16,147 word Technical Architecture, Framework and process guidance document for work... after spending a couple of weeks staring at a blank word doc thinking shitshitshitshitshit... trouble is work now wants me to do more like it for other projects... I think I'll go back to staring vacantly at emails

I'm glad it helped you, it is very good
Greetings, lovelies! smile
I hope you're all well and that February is treating you kindly.

I'm not too bad, I feel I'm coping quite admirably all things considered (btw, these things now also include drama with my presentation group at uni - Joey doesn't share food: Roxy doesn't share coursework! I am not designed for working in groups! >.< :p). I've been letting myself mope and...
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super cute flippin shirtrobot
epic shirt tongue
Happy Valentines' Day! ;P I hope that all of you are well smile

Interesting (I use the term loosely) titbit: this is my first Valentines Day as a single lady in 8 years - the last time I was in this position was when I was 15 years old!
But you know what, I'm ok with it. Right now I don't want to be with my...
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You'll be alright, spoil yourself today wink
It's been a while!

These last few months have been crazy: I've started my new job (well, not so new now - I've been doing it since October) and so am a bustless barmaid wink I've also started my Masters degree in Medical Ethics which I'm really enjoying (even if I'm finding it an awful lot harder than my BA).

My life is pretty consumed by...
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Welcome back smile

Thank you, yeah I'm doing good smile How have you been? Are you coming up to Edinburgh to see the pandas?