Woke up quick, at about noon...
Just thought that I hada' be in Compton soon...
I gotta' get drunk, before the day begins,
before my mama' starts bitchin'
about my friends...

About to go,
and damn near went by,
Yo, my niggas on the block
throwin' up gang signs,

I went in the house to get the clip
With the Mack10
on the side of...
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tell me more

about the twelve

literary archetypes

is there one for each sign of the zodiac
the destroyer i think that would be scorpio?

is the caregiver Virgo?
ahhh! Here we go again....the day after my twenty first Bday and I'm back here (thankfully for the last time...ha!ha! THE END IS EXTREMELY FUCKING NIGH) tending to my parent's miserable house again. The good news: I can turn the music and movies up as loud as I want at any time of night...I've got to remember go see the Farm's show this weekend....
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i've actually bought some blue note as well...i bought this blue note compilation called saturday night trips or something..it's super fresh (from holland). i've been buying tons of jazz, also a lot of funkified african style-jazz. also, i got some fresh italian and german ish. record shopping is so much fun..i'm raping the roman record spots tomorrow.



Sooooo...I've been awake for three days... surreal

What a shitty day it was today...the cars are not here, and I'm at my parent's (whose house I'm house sitting and keeping clean, because they're sellng everything is all open-house-people-coming-through-wax-meusem mode) which means I'm basically out in the middle of the fucking boonies, w/no way to get around. There's this big shopping center right close (in car terms),...
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Happy Birthday! biggrin
stop by the experimental music group if you get a chance...
I never realized what a sloppy typer I was until just recently...I guess I always just depended on spell check and stuff, (I know theirs a way to use it here, but I haven't really figured that out yet confused ) Like three people have complained to me about it, so I'm going back through all my comments after this and doing a lot of clean...
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thanks wink so do you
i dont think anyone has ever over-analized one of my entries like that heh. first of all, you missed that before i go into talking about my teacher, i said it was yesterday hehe. and honestly, i dont think there is anything im holding back or that i want to tell her. i constantly tell her how much she means to me when i see her. i was a little stoned when i wrote that entry earlier, maybe its kinda misreadable or somethin heh. but hey! thanks for responding .

keep in touch
Eddie Izzard is all sold out mad. In Philly and DC. The dude at the box office said to keep trying as it gets closer to the event and maybe they'd release some more.

Have to take care of the house for showings and all that shit again. Shouldn't be so bad...no show to do this weekend smile. (I weaseled my way out of it...
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group owner power! soul brother!
I'm sorry but your last post in the Fashion group was hard to read and understand. So what is your point exactly? That Hot Topic and other such stores have turned underground subcultures into a marketable fashion, correct? I don't think I was disagreeing with you on this point. I was merely stating that these sorts of things are inevitable. That the cool things are always underground, then corporations get a hold of it and change it to appeal to the mass market. Then we (being the "cool" underground hipsters?) get all pissed, knocking everything that comes from said stores/music labels/magazines. I just don't waste my time getting pissed about it. I don't shop at HT but I don't care if someone does; I don't care if bands copy hardcore sounds, and I don't care if the music I like becomes fashionable. It doesn't change my life because the bands I like are still playing clubs, the stores I shop at are still owned by local families, and the zines I read are still independent. See what I'm saying?

And I wasn't really saying you were punk, I was just using that as an example. Sorry if I'm coming off argumentative. It isn't that I disagree with your post (at least the parts I can understand) I just wonder why it would bother you so much?

George Washington, huh? Congratulations!
*Definitely jealous*
This sucks! The server on my computer is all fucked up, so I can't get any of the pictures on the sight with it puke Now I have to use my mom's computer. You have no idea how guilt striken just sitting here writing this makes me feel... eeek surreal
yeah catholic school guilt
Okay, been busy for about a month, and have to ask...what the hell is going on? I can't get any SG pics to show up ANYWHERE!
What a long month its been, too. Did one show, designed sound a for another, helped build one theatre group's sound set up...got into GWU, which is like a half block from the White House (So if we get...
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welcome back noble being
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator0110101010
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator010101110
I am adding01010101011110101010100001101011001
and subtracting01010101010101001010101010101100
I'm controling1111110000101010101010011010100111
and composing010100010101010101010010101011001
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator10000001011
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator00000001111
I am adding01011111010100010110011101
and and subtracting0100010000101010101111000110
I'm controling000011101010101110101010101010
and composing01010101010101010101111111100000
By pressing down a special ket it plays a little melody... robot robot robot
By pressing down a special key it...
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i mean thinking

meanwhile i was still thinking

if its a slow song we will omit it
nice "intos..."
I saw John Tejada Last night, and I made a total idiot out myself puke . Dave (ha!ha! Raver Dave) (he hates thatwink ) brought him to Charlotte. When he introduced me, I was so stunned that John Tejada was actually standing in front of me, all I could get out was "I love your work", or some really stupid bullshit in that vein of things....
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Today I went to an Indian Market to get Indian food. I felt like an idiot, because it was the first time I'd ever been to an Indian market since I was like twelve (I grew up around a lot of them), and I obviously had no idea what the hell I was doing confused eeek tongue . It's really stupid, isn't it? I mean, I've lived near...
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I actually know some one that works there, or she might not any more 'cause the last few times I've been Jennifer wasn't there. They all left last fall to go to musak, it was no loss. They were all burn out losers. I almost do go get a job there but it's a ways from my place and I make more at my current shit job. Besides, I would spend more money than I would make there. Vinyl addiction can get costly.
I took 4 years of spanish and a year of italian and I can read and understand both pretty well, but when it comes to speaking I get all scared and feeze up. I dunno what it is about speaking that's so scary surreal
**RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY** (!!!)

This really wierd little thing happened to me during "Don't Dress for Dinner" (The last show I did). I only had five Q's for the whole show (exuluding the preshow and intermission music) and their were was like 45 min. between each of them. So I'd sneek out of theatre during most of the time. (Hey, it was a comedy...
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I just meant panties in general... not for my sets.. like in normal everyday life.. you know. that kind of thing. yeah.
maybe guys have more time on their hands to invent stupid euphemisms. or something like that.
They found a little girl's dead body on the slide at the park that is a block away the performing arts center (where I work) frown eeek frown . This was just last night at about seven o'clock. It reminds of that Clash song "Somebody got Murdered". Or that RjD2 song "Two More Dead", but maybe thats because I'm listening to that cd as I'm writing this. Their...
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what are you talking about? keggerater is a perfectly cromualnt word...
but yeah.. thats kinda creepy with the whole serial murdering thing.. be careful, if theres one thing I learned from B-horror movies it's to not walk backwards when you feel scared. you do that and youre gonna die..

by the way did you notice we have the same birthday? smile