Betrayed one more time,
But somewhere down that line,
Your gonna get whats coming to you

Look at me now,
(Look at me now!!!)
Look at me now

Pull the knife from my back,
To leave the one inside intact,
Cant wait to return the favour

Look at me now,
(Look at me now!!!)
Look at me now

Too many times ive seen it,
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Hey Ave, My forlorn Fiend...
MAN! I had no idea it was so bad! I JUST came from your better half's madpad, and to be honest? I am starting to REALLY worry now...Man! I hope everything is okay!!(I mean, we know that it ISN'T, FUCK...Rapes?? Murders?? WTF?)
Gee..it is beginning to make those Mayans and Egyptians look pretty fucking frightening on those predictions, Not to even start with Nostradamus..But Hey...We are crazy to believe in that utter 'hocus-pocus, Heretic ramblings of a damned one'.
Aren't We?
Well, just as I said to Zaya, Its a GOOD thing that only a select few of us actually get it...It carries a certain security, wouldn't you agree? lol!

Anyhow...Sorry for the epic...I just feel like I have been away forever, and that I no longer exist in here!THAT, and the fact that I just loathe you guys, dammit! and I am hoping that all shall be better soon.

For everyone...

Hope all is Swell as Hell! kiss

skull SS
fucking shocking dude mad

cant even begin to imagine how bad it must be over there!!
Ok, so when is fucking Indonesia gonna send us back the fucking money we sent them? Lowsy bastards!
wish we could help out more dude!!
Well, I've finally braved the darkness and survived! Lol. Wasn't that bad. Performed a minor binding using the diagram from "The Sussex Manuscript Book One" for a friend the other evening having some "Visitation" problems we might say. No downers from it, and it's working beautifully. As for my son's rash, we found the culprit after it bit me! Lol. A tetsie fly. Check the...
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tsetse fly eek!! Glad your all ok, not a very nice insect. You know, I read something very odd that said there are 22 species of them and that they only live in Africa. Well, evidently, with shipping and import these days, all manner of nasties are making their way to all different countries. Global warming is helping too, species that normally wouldn't survive in one country now can easily with temp rising.

haha, thanks for the badger link, classy.
we dont really get fly's that bite over here
so you can just keep them wink lo
Ohh, what a loverly day. Got up at 7 a.m. on Wendesday to go to work. Spent all damn day on the phone troubleshooting a turbine in Hebbronville, Texas. So, I got to drive off to Hebbronville yesterday night. Finally got tired on the drive at about 3 a.m. Thursday morning. So, first thing on the jobsite, I sprain my right ankle! Hahaha! Well, I...
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have a good weekend and enjoy the rest of your trip smile
I hope you have a great weekend sir biggrin
Update? Update? Nothing of any damn interest to anyone that I know has happened recently! And from my perspective, that's a good thing! Oh, my sister will be visiting later in the month from Baltimore. That's it. Nada of interest here! I'm lame! Lol.
Thank you for the birthday wishes dude biggrin biggrin.

I bought "Peace, Love and Death Metal" for my birthday and it does indeed rock out with it's cock out biggrin
Wow...I really got to get NECRONOMICON on DVD! This has to be done!
(I have a great edition of it on VHS...But DVD? Nope..Not for us N.American Scum...we just don't deserve it yet!)

"Rock Out with Its Cock Out"
(LOL! GO pAuly!!! I am so very happy we made him stay...Cannot wait to go and drink with those boys! Hope Skeneo sticks around tho...)

Yeah You suck, I suck, we ALL suck...except for Zaya, She just blows me away...You are indeed blessed.
Oh! My ex from The Circus got in touch with me from outta the blue yesterday, and he is back Home in Austin, So...It looks like if he is not on tour after X'Mas, I should be coming down your way in my 78 Chevy Boxvan, and of course the Back wheels will be 2X's bigger than the front, and I MUST have one with a Bubble-Spade window again...Just cause! So keep your fingers crossed, cause I really think I am going to just travel by myself for awhile once I get the first check from Inheritance.

Anyhow..BlahBlahBlah...Looks like I made an epic here...so THAT is what you get when you say 'You suck'..so I hope this will learn ya...or else next trime?...

I WILL beat you like A Redheaded Stepchild! LOL!

Slimy Smooches! kiss

skull SS
Alright. My right leg has a destinct throb all the way through it. It's always interesting to cover an entire apendage in a tattoo, and this is my first to go over this large an area. The line work came out just fucking awsome. As for adding color and details, I'll get to that when I can now that the line work is done. YEAH!...
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Hello mate, good to see the groundwork is layed on your tat, I think it's going to be pretty spectacular looking when it's done. smile Looks good already. I've been doing nothing but writing music and looking for work, I really need to update my journal so I'll do it later maybe. Hope your well. Apy.
Would you update huh!?!??!
Argh! As usual work is conspiring against me. Always get way busy when I try to take vacation! But to hell with them! Tomorrow is their last chance, then I'm off on vacation for a week! And tattooed even! Hope all are well.

Alrighty, time for an update. My life has been hellish of late, to say the least. But at least I'm having fun! So, Saturday night I saw Static-X live in a little arena here in town. Excellent show! Sunday night my family held our anual Fourth of July fireworks and dinner. It was much fun this time around. Less people showed up makeing the event...
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Oops, hope you had a brilliant birthday mate! Asian themed tat huh? Sounds VERY interesting, post pics of it once it's done! ; )
Get your eggs here! smile Yeah, it was great gabbing on Sunday, where does the time go! Hope your well mate.