I've been getting back into extremely odd sleep schedules again. I hate it. It's 10:12PM as I write this, and I've been awake for maybe 20 minutes after sleeping pretty much all day. I need to force myself awake tomorrow all day and crash out early or something. I need to find something to do to help pass time. Any suggestions?
Wooo, Toronto and hot Asians!
Passing time -> Masters of Horror and a pack of smokes usually does it for me at times when no one else is awake and around.
May 15th. That's the day. I've got the plane ticket. I'm having what I don't sell shipped to my new place out there. I'm selling everything. I'm taking only the things I need to survive. My computer, My guitar (which includes all my guitar pedals), ONE amp. I'm selling 3 others. Oh yeah, and my clothing. If I can find a way to get my...
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Well...i just got kicked out of my place. It's a long story and I don't want to go into it. I, in all likelihood, will be moving back out west to Vancouver. I love that place. This should all be happening in the next two weeks. I'll keep updating as best I can. Everything is very hectic right now.
I'm all better!! YAAY! I got *another* new amp, recording in stereo now. Having fun with effects pedals. Good times. Have to have another 3 songs done by the end of next week. Full songs, from idea to finished mastering them. Should be a nice little challenge. I'm my own worst critic and since I do everything myself in my studio, I'm always going back...
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i hope you will be falling asleep with some pabst. what kinda amp? whatchu play ? ..you got yourself a bandspace..
I'm sick. I've been sick. It's balls. I want to be better. Now.
So a few new pics are up. I need something that will easily resize pictures, anyone know anything that will do it? I guess I could do it in photoshop, but that takes awhile. I'm just lazy...
I'm back. I don't know who sent it, but someone gave me a 3-month membership again. So whoever you are, Thanks! It's been like 2 years or something like that. A lot has changed, and a lot hasn't. I've been recording almost non-stop. I've moved something like 4 times, only to end up back in my original house, my sister has a one year old...
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boo! found you!
I tried to add more pics. I'm really just too lazy to re-size them. Fuck that. Look me up on facebook. I know it's lame but whatever. There are a ton there. Do a little searchy thing for my name - Aaron Colbourne - that would be me.
what! you're crazy, i am online.
YAY new guitar strings!

and YAY 2 new guitar pedals on monday!!

I have to build a new bigger and better pedalboard. so YAY that too.
come visit!

Stupid fucking guitar strings breaking...and it was my A string. I use that one alot. Like a damn lot. And now I cant play anything properly....it's like....having a car but someone has stolen your keys...all you can do is look at the fucking thing until you get a new key cut. Jesus this fucking sucks. They need to make unbreakable strings. I will pay...
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I have been writing some new shit on my guitar. I have ALL my pedals now. I'm going nuts. I can make some of the craziest shit i have ever heard. all these weird noises an space-like sounds. I CAN MAKE MY GUITAR SOUND LIKE A LASER GUN! haha. I love my delay. Put a Whammy in front of my and my Delay, and I'll...
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I just ran out of food for my rats frown oh no...tomorrow is far. I need like a 24 hour pet food store. That would be good.
Uhoh! We wouldn't want the rats to go hungry!! miao!!