A little Cardi B Friday morning pump up for all my gals šŸ˜ You're all amazing and hot as fuck...don't ever think otherwise!...Whether you're dolling up to drink cocktails and go out dancing or just sitting on the couch in your PJ's watching Netflix and eating pizza (which I'm sure will be the case for my fellow melbournians with these severe weather warnings!) , have
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It's time for "Oprah's (Ocea's) Favourite Things" November/December!

1. The new ASAP Ferg Track and the new N.E.R.D ft RiRi track

2. Mangos

3. Mimosas

4. Raw C vanilla bean coconut milk

5. Everything baby pink and fluffy

6. The Wholesome Food Company jalapeƱo protein chips

7. Netflix new series "Sinner"

8. Films "Murder on the Orient Express" and "Blade Runner"

9. Dark chocolate dipped
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1. What is your favorite word?


2. What is your least favorite word?


3. What turns you on?

Open mindedness, the smell of CK cologne, fellow coffee fiends.

4. What turns you off?

Stubbornness, laziness, people that call me "bebe", Crocs, close minded people.

5. What sound or noise do you love?

The sound of rain when I'm in bed.

6. What sound
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Iā€™ve been doing this nude pinup thing for coming up to a year now (wow, that time has totally flown by!) and the most common question I get asked is ā€œHow does your boyfriend feel about it?ā€. He also gets asked these questions from friends and more commonly, nosy acquaintances. I get asked this question a fair amount actually from other women that are interested
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Side ass

Okay lovely people. My premium snap chat is up and running and I'm offering access for $20 as an early bird price. What's included? A one off $20 gets you lovely folks lifetime access to daily NSFW photos you lovely folks lifetime access to daily NSFW photos and videos of yours truly. If you'd like a daily dose of uncensored boobs and booty all you
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This blog is dedicated to the boyfriends, husbands, partners etc of SG's and SGH's.

Shoutout those that love and encourage their girls to do such a liberating and beautiful thing!

Shoutout to those that believe in their girls ability to embrace her femininity and sexuality!

Shoutout to those that are open minded enough to realise that SG is an art form and that their girls
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