From luciana


Gatannnn, saudadesssss!!!! Você viu que voltei com a corda toda?? Quando você vem pra cá?? Beijocasss Sapiru!!! 


Asking for and getting the reaction of are two completely different initiatives on your part unless you have been explicitly asked or told not to by your subject, to which I would in no way be privy to that information. I meant no disrespect to you or to make you feel as if  your work was being attacked.  I love your work, you have a great eye for beauty, I was just leaving a comment ( defined as  a remark, observation or criticism) in the comment section to do with or take as   she   would. Simply viewer feedback of   my   own opinions and preferences. 

From ajsul


Since I'm bugging you anyway... I want to complement you on @discordia 's set. The pictures that have the sun coming up in the background are amazing!! Especially where the sun is shining through her hair. Emotionally beautiful!!!


PARALLEL UNIVERSES, the beauty of this set is beyond words. Your an amazing artist. Thank you! big skrappy hugs!

From fozz


Lovely set with Drica. How you got those mirror shots with the light & angles so perfect I'll never know. Hope your recent trip was successful & fun. Keep up the great work <3

From psypher


Been looking through a lot of the sets you've shot lately and I have to say that you are truly an amazing artist. Beautiful and talented <3


Okay. So Milloux. Mind = blown. The play with the light patterns through the lace is so very delicious. There's just light... and Milloux. High five. Also, yer profile pic is stunning; it's like "but first, let me take a selfie (that's better than most stuff you see in magazines)". It comes off seemingly effortless. Bravo.

Your work, I mean. Effortless. (Okay, Damian, let's try not to be vague, now.) I am so massively impressed with you.

From liddell


I can not believe I'm with 1000 likes haha! <3 Thanks for the support <3

Definitely deserve more!!
@mokinha @moon_glow Thank you so much you are so kind <3

Very beautiful !!!!!

Thanks. I'm wondering where did you stumbled upon my profile? During the last minutes there was an unusual raise of followers :) 
Was visiting another profile, the photo essay of a person one appeared a picture of your essay. It always happens!