wow...the tour is getting closer and the pieces look fucking awesome!! I love working with these beautiful, talented, rockin' chicks!!! Get ready for some dirty hoola hoopin' by yours truly and some kick ass hot burlesque dance numbers!!! Of course with a little added suicide on top!!!! See you all very soon...xoxoxo. xiolita kiss
I saw the show tonight in Olympia.

You were all absolutely amazing and your hula hoop was definitely one of the highlights of the evening. Dear God is it sexy to see hips move like that! I just wanted to stop in here and say how much I loved the show and that you're a really wonderful performer.

P.S. Regardless of what you may think, I did notice the flower in your hair. wink
I didn't know people could do shit like that witha hula-hoop. And it lit-the-fuck-up! shockedshocked

You clipped my hair a couple times with it, but I'm sure it was all part of the illusion-of-danger, aye? biggrin

Thanks for the best show I've ever been to! love biggrin biggrin

Take care!
OMG>....sooooooo tired and sooooooo happy...been rehearsing for SG tour .....so fun! Did a gig for TV Guide! HAHHAH! Bellydance hoola hoopin' for TV! tonight was also my best friends Bday party//WEEEE!! I got to initiate her into the fire hoop! Pre Burning Man Party !!! I will miss them all ,,,I am not going this year so I can learn to shake my ass in...
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Jam out with your clam out?
haha I fucking love it.

COme see me in detroit baby, we're gonna party the right way
so how do they choose who will be on the tour and how did you get chosen?
I just love hot ,summer ,nights..
warm and wet like a tubby....
peaceful and beautiful..
Los Angeles rocks!
You can drive to the beach, to the mountains , to your lovers ,all in one night...aghhhh....
I think !thunderstorms are on thier way....

the fucking roofers on my roof are very fucking loud and they wake me up every morning for the past 2 weeks..I am...
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I am interested. My first shoot with a future SG girl didn't make for some blah reasons. When and where and what do you have in mind? Waking up pissed at the roofers could be some payback...
Hey! Anybody want to learn how to hoopdance!!!????
Well I happen to be teaching GYPSYHOOP dance classes in the Valley at Patsy Swayze Studio off the 118...so drop me a line if you want to sign up and learn the fabulous art of hoop dance!!!
No exp. required! I supply hoops for you to practice in during class as well as offer hoops for sale!...
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Thats awesome. ill have to tell my girlfriend about your class. We live right by the 118 in Granada Hills.
Shameless self promotion...
sounds cool but Imma good 2000 miles away.
ok....anyone have an ex that they still love and every once in a while get freaky with???? I've noticed post breakup I've spent ALOT more time with an ex of mine who is a beautiful human being and can love me like no other, BUT...... there are many reasons why we broke up...etc...
Is there hope for ex's to get back together or are you...
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I am doing the exact situation
but I dont really recommend getting back together
like you said you must have broken up for a reason
I used to think if you get along so well you should get back together but I dont know lol
I was still i nlove with an ex of mine... I was in the military, she was a producer for a large spanish network... the distance killed our relationship... but we kept in touch... i thought i had a chance... she met some guy and is getting married, -4 month relationship with a guy 15 years older-.... have your fun while you can, but its more than likely someone is gonna get hurt... she doesnt even want to hear from me ever again... oh well
Does anyone have a fucked up mother??? I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about....I really hope that if I ever venture into mommyland that I dont forget what it's like to be a kind and loving person...I mean really, all I ever wanted was a mom who was really nice and took me out for starbucks ands stuff like that!!!!!!!!!! I saw this...
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Easter weekend
San Fransisco! Wharehouse Party! Fire partner hooping! I love my life! I love my job!
What a great city San Fransico is....so green and sooo cool!
My dear straight hairdresser! Thank goodness for you...celebrating Easter with you was amazing!!! my purple friend, your box of toys, & a few coronas later.....wow....you rock..Pulp Fiction was never so good...neither was any of my Easters come...
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Sounds like you're having fun! I'm glad! smile
sounds like ur doing good
did you get over that guy that wasnt treating you right?
does it ever end???? really...when do you finally just not give a shit anymore that he doesnt give a shit anymore and your better off with out him????
arghhh...i finally went out on a date post break up and it was great, we had a great time....but........its just not the same...i dont care maybe??? I still think of the latino lover...our trip to europe...our trip...
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It's already been covered, but it's just a matter of patience and time. The good ones are out there, and I'm sure there are plenty who would make themselves available if you asked them to. biggrin

Hopefully you're feeling better about the situation now and are enjoying yourself.
If only my turnaround time since the last one had been days. Right now I'm goin on months. And why the fuck don't you girls think we'd like a nice bath with a foot masage once in awhile. Jk. It can't be that hard to find someone to do all those things you want and more.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck....well im over being sad about my lover....he's a kid.....he already changed his myspace realtionship status to SINGLE.....note to self, never look at an ex's myspace late at night..it will fuck you up....
and oh yeah, it turns out my step dad has cancer...again...this time they think it's lung cancer...i havn't smoked a ciggerette since I heard the news...i feel bad...
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Wow, things arn't goin so smooth. Hopefully when the Sun starts shining more and spring rolls in things get better.
yes, myspace has given a whole new source of pain and confusion when it comes to breakups.

hello everyone out there...any advice on what to do with all the things that remind you of the one that broke your heart??? It seems every time I turn theres a damn reminder of something we did, something we bought, a place we went, a painting I drew of him, a sugar bowl we bought in Arizona! AGHGH!! i feel retarted!! I can only imagine...
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I salsa, but I'm not back in Cali for another week. When I'm there though it would be fun. smile
...any advice on what to do with all the things that remind you of the one that broke your heart???

According Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), you established a multitude of anchors that you associated with your ex. You can consciously try to remove each anchor, i.e. fill that sugar bowl with something you dislike, like old cigarette butts since your step father has lung cancer and you are trying to quit smoking. However, as long as your ex is still on your mind, when you look at the world you will always find something out there that reminds you of your relationship with him. Your reality tunnel is fixed on him. So until you change your perception, he will still haunt you.

Just keep on dancing and eventually you'll discover a handsome partner that isn't gay. When I look at your pictures, I wish I was gay and knew how to dance.