Did everyone have a good christmas?
I really cant belive that the new year is right around the corner, crazy!!!!!!!!
I hope you had a nice Christmas! smile
I had really good christmas! I ate and drunk anything in my path!! biggrin
now I look pretty like santa!! heheh how was yours???
Thank you
OMG!!! I'd hate to be your boss right about now.

If she has a problem with you and you feel discriminated against, you could always file a complaint at corporate HQ and explain your situation. If you're good at your job, have proven to be a good worker and are more than capable of doing the job, there's no real reason why you shouldn't have gotten that promotion.

But if you're doing this, I suggest you take this blog down. Could ruin your chances wink

Good luck! And remember... breathe, and count to 10. biggrin
hey girl!! thanx for the add! how are you??? biggrin
Ok, first and foremost my spelling eats donkeys dick so bear with me.

I am so fuckin annoyed with work!!!!!!! Why is it that you give the company 110% and then when you go up and post for a higher postion they give you the fuck around? First and foremost. I would never post for anything if I didnt think that I wasnt good at...
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That's freaking jacked up!!! You know that always seems to be how it works though. That's bullshit.
Well it has finally snowed up north, thank GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
I am off to go snowboarding, I cant wait. My bodie is so soar from going to xmas parties this weekend but I cant pass up a great ride!!!!!!!
I hope all is well
if you ever have an urge to ride in NH, i can hook you up with tickets for the mountain. smile

(i know bribery is illegal, but what the hell!)
Sorry I have been gone for so long my darlings!!!!!!!
I cant belive how much time passes!!!! It amazing to me. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Halloween. Ours was great, the party was crazy. Now it's to turkey day and then good ol Christmas, shit time is flyin by.

Well I hope all is well out there and hope to talk to you...
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I know, can you imagine. So much more things could happen. Oh man, who dicovered the timing and shit. They should have thought about 30 hours like you said. Life would be so much more eaier.
my halloween stunk. but thanksgiving is always a good day.

and xmas...YUCK! but i get to celebrate hannaka with my friend this year...so...something different. YAY!
Whats going on all? Sorry I havnt posted a blog in so long. Life has been crazy.
I just got back from vaction with the family this week. It was so nice to get away and be at the beach and go to good old disneyland with the kidoos. I went back to work today. Was a little crazy, but all good at the same...
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my spelling is shit too...no worries! kiss
darlin your set needs to go up.. yup yup yup
Whos ready for Hell City? Cant wait!!!!!

Also Magic Trade show in Vegas Baby!!!!!
Gotta love Vegas!
Shit...I was at Hell City...it was great!

robot skull robot skull robot
Alright, so the fashion show was amazing. Every single modwel turned out looking great!!!! Production started at 1 and we did not stop doing make up til 7:00. That's six crazy hours of doing crazy make up, non stop!!!!!
I think I had just enough time to go pee and smoke. But it never falls, I will always have my bud light in my hand....
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So I have the fashion show tonight. Start production at 1:00. I have 14 models to work with and it's going to be crazy!!!! I am so excited and nervous and the same time. I hope that it all goes really well!!!!
Wish me some luck please.
yay for fashion shows!!
don't worry about it.. if it feels hektic, then everything is finetongue
good luck and have fun!!
Well another weekend gone... O shitty.... I hope that everyone had a great time this weekend and no major problems out there.
I really can not get over that it is already august, time seems to fly!!!!
Does anyone feel like they blinked there eyes and we are in august?
I got my arm worked on on thurs. and he did the wrist part....
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hell yeah - i'll be there all weekend shooting, let me know if you wanna set something up. yay!
Well another weekend of work, so shitty. I fuckin hate sales goals. I work on fri and sat, and have to make up to 2500 dollars. People are so cheap and want only a couple of things, it's like okay, I will work my ass off and give the best customer service, but do you really think that these people are going to spend a...
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I know. Happened twice today.
" So did you paint those on?" Me... " Paint what on? " them " your arms?" me...... " well my arms are real and no I didnt wake up at two this morning to paint my arms, they are real tattoos" them " OH, Well thats cool"
Fuckin Stupid!!!!!

I swear, some people.
Another thing I love is when you go to the mall and people stare at you!!!!! You think its cheap to look this way? The art that is on my body is not CHEAP!!!!!!!! It cost some major green!!!! Like I am going to steal a shirt that cost twenty dollars, when my ribs alone could have bought a whole box!!!!
I know that you guys get it too, its so annoying!!!!
What year do we live in?
ha! never heard the museum line before. peopl are idiots.

are you gonna be out at hellcity?
It is so humid and hot here, just plan nasty!!!!!
I didnt get tattooed on tues. night, so going into tonight!!!!!
I was thinking about getting a peircing, but I dont know.
I work another long weekend, shitty.
Well I hope all is great in everyones world.
Much love to all
It is ungodly disgusting here in Chicago. People would be suprised of the heat here. When the hell are you going live??
hahaha!! im out of pheonix for all the nasty humidity. thank goodness, it was death before i left.

this is random...but i'm convinced that everyone in az with tattoos knows Nicole McCord at rebel art tattoo.
so do you? it would be awesome if you did.