From eztarg3t


Where did this beautiful gem go to?  2 sets that have some of the highest rankings ever, and she just disappeared after into thin air!


SG posted a link to you on Facebook yesterday, and it reminded me of how great I think your sets are.  I know you're unlikely to read this after four years absent from the site, but if you do, I hope it makes you happy to know you have a fan who wishes you well.  ❤️

From jimmerz


Jemma ...You're still the one! ...Get with your lensman... Your.beautiful "inner woman "should be set free!... We always  need to  see more your lovely unique body and "soul"and how you pose so photogenically...we hope he knows that. one lucky guy to have a model like you! 

From jimmerz


Jemma ...You're still the one! ...Get with your lensman... Your.beautiful "inner woman "should be set free!... We always  need to  see more your lovely unique body and "soul"and how you pose so photogenically...we hope he knows that. one lucky guy to have a model like you! 


Whatever happened to you, such a beautiful woman and haven't see anything for a few years now.  Can't wait to see more.

From jimmerz


Hello beautiful, we made it to suicide girls ... We are anxious to read and see all of your submission

From shpleep


I do believe you are one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seem. Never lose that smile.

From loqvir


Every time I get linked to your pics from Facebook or Tumblr, I fall in love again! <3