Thank you to everyone who wished my ear better!

The pain and swelling is gone, but whenever I move my head I can hear a liquid in my right ear swish around. It's kinda annoying, but definately bearable. If I head banged, I bet I'd be able to hear the ocean.

On Monday Nate and I visited a new-ish sushi place in the arena district...
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we've all got a bit of juggalo in us and i believe that after meeting these people. going to cleveland was totally worth it. an icp concert should be a riot in the first place. we drove all the way to cinci for a backyard wrestling match. it was fun. so what do you think of the video by the way?
who doesn't like phil collins?
So did you know that it's possible to get really fucked up on pain pills but still have the pain? Yep, it's possible apparently, and apparently I'm a giant puss. I was up about every two hours last night moaning and crying and microwaving my heat-pack.
Why, do you ask? What's wrong with me?

Swimmers Ear!
Sounds so innocent, doesn't it? If by innocent you...
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That's where I heard them too. I've downloaded a couple of their songs.
I've always watched all those show, just more so than normal. I'll hide when the marathons come on.
I havent' got the new x-tina album, I'll probably download it sometime.

Did you find the part of the skull with the teeth? That would tell a lot."

That's our guess too. The skull is part of that flat mummified mass, and there are no visible teeth.
Ok, this may be a bit difficult, but I'm going to ATTEMPT to write an accurate depiction of my long weekend/vacation. I say attempt because

1. I visited a lot of people that I haven't seen a quite a long time.

2. I was in Chicago, which I've never been to before this.

3. I was under the influence for most of my days.

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thanx for reading my verbal journal spew and for the sweet comment i hope i can be a good grey friend replacement so my arm of friendship is winging its way to yas,so once again thanx
yay, i met you! well briefly anyways! wink
Had quite a down-home redneck weekend so far here.

Yesterday I accompanied Nate down to his hometown of Circleville, where for some reason although it's only 45 minutes south of the city, everyone has a southern lilt to their speech. Including my boyfriend.

We arrived at his parents house just in time for a supper of chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes with white gravy, and cornbread....
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Thanks for the set commen luv, and i really like your long journals, give a girl something to read when shes bored.


we pretty much just hung out at stained skin for most of the night on saturday! my friends liked the FREE beer! it was alot of fun though, wish you could have made it!

so you're coming to rollerderby on sunday? i'll be there so look for me & come say hi! or i can hook ya up with my cell # if ya want it?
HEY! I only tend to write about negative things, it seems.
But I have an obsession with the obscene and nasty, insulting and offensive.

Good contrast to the happy life I desire? I don't know, just theorizing.
hey! thanks for the comment. I've been high the last two times i've made love to my bf, and no deal. Sad eh? Well.. I'll just have to let my vag tell me when it's ready. Thanks again doll! kiss
Theories are good. Some the best ideas in Science started out as theories. biggrin

Have a great day! biggrin
MySpace is full of dumb-butt peacockery.

Raise your hand if you agree.

Plus it's no fun, except for spying/stalking people you know/kinda know(due to the high number of members).

My entire family is on it, so it's nice to see what they're up to. But, lots of people can spy on ME too.

I'm trying to see how long I can go without logging in....
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i can't fucking stand starkey and zex would totally smash him in a cage match. that blows you're going away for the camping trip. and i am actually fearful of the wildlife back there. when we scouted the area we found like 6 or 7 dead/eaten animals and they were large. but supposedly we are going canoeing or some dumb bullshit on sunday so if you're back from that you should come.

Plus it's no fun, except for spying/stalking people you know/kinda know(due to the high number of members).

How bout the first guy I ever fell head over heels for- enough to permanently carve his initials on the top of my right thigh- who is now a douchebag frat boy in California. What?

I'm annoyed right now.
Last week I spoke briefly to Jess, told her I was going out with my parents to a show tonight. She became overly excited and asked if she could go too. Happy to possibly see her again, I quickly said yes.
We haven't spoken since then.
I texted her asking if she wanted to go out to dinner beforehand, no answer....
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Got-damn! I have been abusing the power of the text, of late, but never to the tune of 45$. Usually, about half that. Still... I empathize. They really need to make the same rules apply to texts as apply to calls. Anytime minutes, weekend minutes, gratis, y'know?

... Anyway, what do you know about me? Seriously. I never jerked it to the Weather Channel, but I was unhealthily obsessed with it between the ages of four and ten. So, had I been just a little older, I might have jerked to it. So, are you stalking me?
this all sounds weird dude.
Christ I'm drunk. Off of a box of wine, no less.

Rebel me's gonna paint a random wall in ye ol homestead either bright olive-ish green or mauve tomorrow.
O crazy rebel , you live in a rental!

p.s. My bike is CURSED
yeah im totally down, maybe we can hang out sometime and discuss it. and dont worry im not some creep or anything, my girlfriend is my assistant =) a photographer as well, so yeah... if you've got aim you should im me sometime (trendyfun)
Oh no! You should take your bike to see a priest. Have that curse removed! biggrin

A true rebel would have painted the room while they were drunk! biggrin

Have a great day! biggrin
Small accomplishments are addicting when you're not bone-tired for once.
School being out leaves me time to actually take the day slowly, and even read at work. I've read more this week than I have in months.
Maybe it's escapism?
But back to the small accomplishments- I fully cleaned my room! May not seem like such a big deal, but I haven't done so in...
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i like columbus too actually! ive been going to mansfield alot these days to see a friend of mine, but i do get to columbus quite a bit, maybe we'll hang out sometime?
yeah, ive been watching that thread. its about time somebody gave the SGcolumbus group a kick in the ass! i really like the high five so im hoping some stuff happens there!

and yes, i posted the MSI show in the group! also, if you are interested, you should check out some rollerderby that same date, sunday july 16th, @ battelle hall in the columbus convention center. there is another thread in the cbus group about it called red, black & blue i think. i'll be going to both rollerderby & MSI hopefully with my friend marilynm so hopefully we'll run into ya!
Never received an email about where I'll be volunteering tonight (@ Comfest), just one thanking me and saying we'll send you an e-mail with details blah blah blah.
Oh well. No details have arrived, and the shift I signed up for is at 8 tonight.

Guess I'll just be drinking and enjoying the music. How terrible.
Hi. I realy liked your pictures smile What do you use? I want to start learning how to paint too so I would love some information from someone more expirienced. Are you using oils? How long does it take you for each painting to finish it? Thanks for any info wink