So, this past Saturday I was again the ring announcer for New European Championship Wrestling here in Germany. It's the wrestling company of Alex Wright, the former WCW Superstar. Here are some pictures of me during the show. Check out the NEW facebook page or my instagram page


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Thank you @xheartswornx and @bookcouple  :) It's really so much fun standing there and presenting the whole show. Little fun fact: I was supposed to be interrupted by one of the guys and he kept adressing me with my real name, until I finally walked up to him, interrupted him and told him "My name is Mike!", which is my name as the announcer. :D
Ha ha ha, that’s the best

Two years ago at Hoch Explosiv 6 I had the honour to take a seat as a colour commentator in our wrestling company New European Championship Wrestling. I was told I would do that approxiamately five hours before the show back then.

This year it was time for Hoch Explosiv 8 and I made a little thing for the chair where the ring announcer always
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Very cool
Thank you @bookcouple . I hope the photos will be published soon. :)

First of all, sorry. I don't want to sound whiny, but since two days my mood is going deep down the drain and depression is kicking not only in but nearly knocking me out. I need a cheer up or maybe some nice advice from someone. And as my "friends" are no real help, maybe I can find it in here?
I know I am...
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@xheartswornx  I totally agree with you on this. It's very common for women to choose "bad guys" and complain about them over and over, whilst the nice guy sits next to her and listens. Kind of story of my life, haha. I always try to be nice to everyone I meet or know, at least if they show me the respect I show them. For me it was never the question of feeling superior to anyone as my parents raised me to be " a good boy", which sometimes makes life even harder when facing situations which would require some asshole mentality. Not exactly an asshole like Mr. Anderson did back in TNA some years ago, but sometimes such an attitude might come in handy. Even my wrestling "boss" Alex Wright told me on Saturday I should not let myself be fooled or pushed around by the wrestlers. But still, I don't like to be mean or piss anybody off. My approach is "If I'm not wanted somewhere, I leave" or if somebody takes too much advantage of my kindness then I just don't offer my help anymore or cut the contact. Had to do this with many people in the past year, simply beacause so many former "friends" just used my kindness and will to help and never gave back anything. And it is (at least for me) never an option to give up and just let myself go, because as we already stated life has many good things to offer and it's always better to try be happy than to get lost in anger about "nonsense". As far as friendships are concerned, I have to honest and say it would be a dream to befriend some of the ladies here (and some gentlemen) and maybe some day meet a couple of them! Just because I love meeting new people and as far as this site here goes, simply because the respect shown in here is tremendous.
@rowenna Thank you for your kind words! You are rabsolutely right with the relationships. It is never a good thing to be with someone not to be alone. Such "relationships" are very destructive. I even did take a break from the internet three months ago for five weeks. I did not log in to facebook and my mobile phone was offline, too. It felt very good and healed me a good bit. We now have the problem of thinking we "have to do things" and constantly either work on something or get better everyday. We sometimes forget to lay back and have a rest and just enjoy a cup of tea or listen to a good song. We tend to want too much and this takes too much from us. Like the motto of my capoeira group: "Para nao ser cativo de ninguem", but today we are enslaved to more things by choice than necessary. And sometimes we need to break these chains ourselves and live our life and as you said: Treat yourself like the love of your life.

Many people nowerdays are struggling with life and other important things (everyone has his own struggles/wars or problems) and everyone has his own approach to this. I have found this band some time ago and some weeks ago they brought out a new song which i about depression and suicide thoughts. For me, this song is really powerful and very beautiful and I like that...
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I actually discovered this band about 4 or 5 months ago thanks to youtube randomly recommending them to me. So glad it did, this song is definitely powerful, and I love that their message seems to stay constant throughout the songs they have out.
Absolutely agreed @wolfwood1203

...but still, just so anyone interested will know. I am on an online hiatus of facebook and my mobile phone. It just makes ma sick being online and seeing stuff that happens or posts from people and all the fake shit going on especially on the asocial network facebook.
Unfortunately I also do love seeing beauty and love to admire it. And here's the point:...
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So this Saturday it's gonna be WAR at New European Championship Wrestling and it will be hot and an action filled day! I can not wait for it.

Unfortunately I will have to take my dogs with me as I don't have any friend who might be capable or willing to take care of my little zoo for the weekend. Luckily I can take my...
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I'll be honest: I fuckin hate my life at the moment very, very much. I mean my life has never been "perfect" or great... I sometimes had fantastic moments mostly when I achieved something I maybe dreamed of or was told something great by someone I really appreciate or have a lot of respect for. But most recently since the middle of last year after...
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So, today I just saw the new Avengers Infinity War, and all I can say is MOTHERFUCKER! That movie got my balls crushed hard... Next stop: DEADPOOL 2 :D

And beginning with Friday it will be a weekend full of wrestling with a double event of the wrestling company I'm working for and training in. Oh I'm fuckin EXCITED to be there. If everything goes...
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I have to admit the first time I read the abbreviation WCW in here I was a little bit confused as I grew up with a "WCW" which was "World Championship Wrestling".

But of course this is a site to appreciate the beauty of women and their freedom, so it means Womens Crush Wednesday and so I thought I might give my thoughts on this....
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This is the most wonderful read ❤️
Thankyou so much, what a blessing to me mentioned amongst SO MANY amazing ladies  🙌🏻😍🌷

I know I am certainly not the type of guy women fall in love with at first sight... hell, even my own (soon to be ex-)wife keeps telling me over and over I'm not "her kind of man". And that fuckin' hurts... seriously, it hurts a lot hearing such words from a person you used to love. Thing is, I was raised very well by...
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