I got my official unit results back today.

Understanding Society - CREDIT
Organisations, Communities and Communication - DISTINCTION
Mental Health in the Community - CREDIT
Context of Human Services - CREDIT

I'm upset and disappointed in myself. I really expected to do better. and everyone else has been getting way better results than me and ofcourse because I'm the Youth Worker and I have a...
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My brother just made me watch the movie 'Hotrod'. Parts of it were painful to watch, but it did give me a few cheap laughs. Asides from this, things this movie has taught/ reinforced my pre-existing opinions on, include;

1) Isla Fisher is a babe.
2) Danny McBride is the funniest man alive.
3) Isla Fisher is a babe.
4) Man falling down- always funny....
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Awhile back I wrote a paper encompassing and covering 2 historical events that framed the lives of those from my parent's generation, as well as 2 historical events that framed the lives of people from my own generation.

It was a horrible assignment and I wasn't looking forward to writing it, but I thought it would help if I chose to write about 'events' that...
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Feel as though I should fill you all in as to what I got up to today- Today is the first Saturday I've had off from work in several years atleast, so it was very exciting.

I went to IKEA with my friend Hayley today. Not sure how common-place IKEA's are in America and Europe, but there's only one in Sydney, and the last time...
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Ladies and/or gentleman who may read this-

I've been thinking for awhile now to somehow upgrade the running gear on my '99 model VG Ford Transit. 2ltr with aircon.

In Australia, I think a popular mod is swapping out the motor for an Ecotech V6 found in Holden Commodores- badged as Vauxhals and Chevrolets for those of you playing outside of Australia.

But then... I...
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Here's my second paper-

Means tested or residual welfare programs can be seen as the result of 'individual deficiency'.


Means tested and residual welfare programs are an important part of our community. Services provide care, support, and guidance for many of us in times of distress and hardship. However, with many of these services being means tested, there is an increasing number of consumers...
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And a big thankyou for taking the time out to reply- it's much appreciated.
Thanks for add me dear ♥
I wrote two university papers over the past two days. My brain is fried and I've lost the ability to think on any kind of comprehensive level. Therefore, I ask you to please read my papers and tell me if they're any good or not.


The purpose of this report is to adequately present to the responder the concept of community, together with it...
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So I have a new toy to play with, it's a Canon EOS D1100 DSLR. It's a camera, for those who aren't up to speed on technical mumbo jumbo.

As such, I have been taking a lot of photos lately, and some of these I would like to share with you. These are things that pretty much sum up who I am as a...
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