Forgive the lack of my face or my anything lately, but lately has not been good. I gained back a bit of weight since I went off my Metformin, and now I look and feel like absolute shit and I just need to work it off again. I'm not too thrilled about going back on Metformin as it made me sick as a dog with...
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I have work really early tomorrow and I'm supposed to be sleeping right now so I can get at least 7 hours of sleep, and yet here we are.

Random shite that is happening right nowz:

1. Work has given me two 4 hour shifts a week right now. Generous. >___>

2. I have hair extensions.

3. My hair is still too short to sport...
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How the fuck does confidence and acceptance of your body happen?


Holy shit Twinrova, I love your name so much!!!
I have tried that a couple of times. When my boyfriend is around and we're alone he pretty much forces me out of my clothes XD. But I can't stand seeing my body at all even though I've tried to come to terms with it. He loves me and he always tells me I'm beautiful, but this is not something that compliments will ever fix for me. I know it is possible to love your body, but where the hell is the magic spell that helps me do it? I mean I'd love to become a Suicide Girl someday but with my distorted body I'd never ever get there. Not because I'm a big girl, but I have a hideously proportioned body in every aspect. 

I've been trying to get back into staying faithful to my healthier lifestyle, and for the most part it's been going pretty well. I get less sick, tired and sluggish and I feel like my body is getting slimmer. For those of you who don't know, I'm currently in the middle of a weight loss journey. I was diagnosed at 249 pounds as having PCOS...
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Well apparently it can't be cured at all, but it is manageable. That's about all anyone can do. The best treatment is weight loss. I lowered my insulin resistance and got rid of most of the symptoms, but I still have it.
sorry, only just saw your reply. thats a shame but at least its manageable and you seem to be doing a good job managing it. 

In a tattoo lover's lifetime, sadly a badly done tattoo experience can occur. This has been the case with my second tattoo, as you can see below.

The artist who did it made it a lot thicker than it was supposed to have been by outlining outside the original picture on the stencil and not bothering to have anything straight or evened out.

The first...
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I have about a zillion ideas for what I want tattooed on me. I currently have two tattoos on each wrist: one of the Einstuerzende Neubauten logo and the other is the Hylian crest from Legend of Zelda. Both have a huge amount of meaning to me, but I wont get into that just yet. I'm not in the mood to write two huge essays....
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Hey Listen! Hahahahaha
Hahaha I love Legend of Zelda nerds. =P