It was a cold winter night. She finished her chores cleaning the kitchen for her patron. The duties of an indentured servant are never done, but it was time to retire for the evening. Layer after layer she removed her wears. She was lucky to serve a Captain of a trade ship. She was accommodated with a room in the main house. It was quiet...
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That's kinda hot... Good pictures, btw. love
You ever online anymore?
I have posted some new pictures from a shoot that I did yesterday. The images that are more industrial looking are shot through a glass windshield.
Those pics are awesome, did u or do u study at UF?
Thanks again for the last minute photo shoot mister!

I watched the making of Alien yesterday. I also watched Hellboy for the forth time. If you don't have Alien on DVD go out and get it! It has some great behind the scenes footage. Hellboy just flat out rules.
I'm about an hour and a half out of Gainesville but I don't mind the drive. Please email me at imxsoxgothx666@yahoo.com for further deliberation!
Wow I checked out your site. That first portrait is awesome! eeek
Measure your convictions. Tortured souls are cursed to follow the same path. Apathy is to deny the divine. Wish secretly. She waits. Sitting at an open window. Watching. Staring at nothing. In front of her is a cup of tea steaming. Legs crossed at the feet. The quiet. She tests how hot it is and tries to cool it with her breath. Lips pressed close....
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Millions of years ago there was life on this planet. Dinosaurs roamed the earth and the climate was warm and primordial. The ocean was teeming with life forms that yielded only to the laws of nature. Those that evolved with defense mechanisms and survival tactics continued to thrive. Then it happened. Something fell from the sky that erupted enough debris to change the atmosphere and...
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nice build up. interesting to see where you go with it, if you are going to develop it as a film.
I was thinking today that life on other planets must have certain givens to be considered an advanced culture. I was most interested in the everyday items that are design principles that are necessary for engineering and daily life. Such as: paper clips. A wound up piece of wire used to hold paper together. Pens. I'm curious what brands of pens exist in the universe....
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Text book horror idea: Every great horror movie starts out with a trip to somewhere unknown. My friends and I decided to go on a camping trip to Mount Monadnoc. We piled into our 1965 vw kombi bus and made our why to the camp. It was off season so that we didn't expect to see a lot of people, which was good because we...
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Ok, so one of pics wasn't loading but I fixed it now, a nice Belair bumper. A self portrait in that one too but its too small to see on here. Anyway, those are my fav shots from the shhots but there are a few other good ones & they look MUCH better big.

Yeah - if figured there was an alien kinda thing going on in your story. I'm a complete Sci-fi geek too. Started going to sci-fi conventions when i was like 10.

. .)
( . *hearts sqp*
hey... did you ever make it to the FESTIII to shoot?
Speculation: The evolution of life is moving towards the development of artificial intelligence. From the first ameba to darwin's ocean there are given patterns to life's design and maturity. Millions upon millions of time past for the sun to cool down and discharge exhaust that created the planets. Each planet is circling around the sun within gravitational electromagnetic harmonic revolutions much like when you take...
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love love love HAPPY BIRTHDAY love love love

Michelle xx
Wow, here you are! And Happy Birthday to you to top it!! biggrin

How you liking SG, it's a bit too time consuming for me to really enjoy it. I dream of days of DSL! It would really change and improve my life.

Ricki Ticki Tavi is one of my favorite cartoon classics as well as Watership Down. I'm still trying to track down a copy of Plague Dogs, or maybe its just a book? I love The Rescuers too, one of few Disney movies I really love.

I'll try to reply to your email soon, I rolled in late last night from GA and don't know my schedule for the week yet. I did however promise dinner this week to a friend instead of last week, so we may need to try for another time.

. .)
( . *hearts sqp*

PS - post a reply in my journal rather than in yours, just in case you didn't already know that. I'm kinda amazed how many people on here don't get it. surreal